
MTEC1101 | Emerging Media Foundation | Fall 2022

Course Information

Class No.: 18230

Class Section: HD88

Type: Hybrid


Mondays + Wednesdays, 10:00—11:40 PM

in person (Voorhees V-314) and online (Slack/Open Lab/Zoom)

Meeting ID: 841 7421 4351  Passcode: MTEC1101

OR +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), ID: 841 7421 4351 Code: 45243388

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Information

Instructor: Sean Michael Landers

Communication: In general, I’ll be more responsive to Slack than I will be to my email, so you have a better chance of a quick turnaround through Direct Message.

Course site:

Course Slack: (To join, click this link.)


Office Hours: If Wednesday after class doesn’t work for you, send me a Slack DM or email and we’ll arrange a time. In addition, if you have questions or concerns, a DM is always welcome.

Course Description

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning.

Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of emerging and interactive media design, including: idea development, research, documentation, presentation, prototyping, and production, which will serve them in the face of rapid changes in technology.

Students will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, haptic, immersive, sensory and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, and online documentation of their work.

Course Goals

To give students an introduction to:

  • the field of applied emerging, interactive media technologies
  • collaboration between people with different skills and backgrounds
  • diverse design & development processes across various technology platforms and media touchpoints

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • learn correct terminology for technical and design aspects of the field
  • incorporate a design process into their projects
  • explore different methods of interdisciplinary collaboration in order to function as part of a team
  • understand and employ different modalities of design and production and integrate those modalities into an interactive experience
  • clearly communicate ideas using contemporary methods and critique work of their peers
  • discuss the evolving technologies and innovative approaches used by professionals working across the fields of commercial, artistic & social change

Course Materials

You’ll bring

  • External portable and/or online drives to back up files
  • Sketch Book

              We’ll familiarize you with

  • OpenLab
  • Slack (with Zoom)

We’ll provide you with access to

  • OpenProcessing (for the Media Computation module)
  • Max8 (for the Music Technology module)
  • Readings (will be supplied for you as downloadable PDFs or links)

Course Structure

During days labeled ‘online’, students will participate through Slack and Zoom.   During days labeled ‘in person’, students will participate through in-person attendance.

This course will use:

Zoom for synchronous, online class activities.

Slack for regular updates, formal communications with the instructor, collaboration with peers, and support from CLT.

OpenLab to coordinate learning materials (such as readings, major assignments and resources).



Guides to success in this course

  • Pay attention to the course syllabus. The syllabus is our map to the semester.
  • Thoroughly read instructor announcements (sent on Slack Sunday evening) for notes on that week’s agenda.
  • Be on time for all classes, whether they are in person or via Zoom.
  • Contact the College Laboratory Technicians (CLT) via the #techsupport channel on Slack or via email, if/when experiencing any technical issues.
  • Thoroughly review and take notes on the information, resources, materials, videos, tutorials, etc. within each class post on OpenLab and/or what is posted on Slack at the beginning of each class.
  • Actively participate online during class time.
  • Thoughtfully contribute to a positive online environment, while actively supporting and challenging your classmates’ ideas.
  • Follow good online etiquette: Try to be as clear and succinct as possible in messages. One of the challenges of text-only communication is that we lose a lot of the information that gives communication nuance – it’s hard to tell when someone is joking or teasing us. Be thoughtful about what you post, why you’re posting it, and how it may land.  Mute your audio when not speaking, to limit background noise during any audio/video class or small group calls.
  • Check OpenLab for assignments, readings, and resources (note the Assignment post/due dates in the Schedule section below).
  • Check Slack regularly for updates, group and private messages.
  • Spend at least 3-5 additional hours a week (outside of class time) on class assignments/readings/responses and projects. Budget more time each week than may be needed.
  • Post written responses, documents, or code before or by the assignment due dates (see due dates in the Schedule section below).
  • Back up your work regularly.
  • Push yourself creatively and technically. Be ambitious. Work hard. Stay open and curious!
  • Contact your instructor and build connections to your peers. If you are regularly struggling with any of the above – or if you just want or need to talk further: please don’t hesitate to contact your instructor. I want you to succeed! Don’t be afraid to turn to your peers with questions or to offer support – the ability to collaborate successfully across differences is one of the key concepts of this course!


  • To contact me with a brief, private question or message, send a DM (Direct Message) through Slack, rather than email.
  • If you have a question that may be relevant to the group (about homework, etc.), post in the #general channel on Slack for all to see and comment on.
  • Use Slack for easy communications with your classmates as well—you can DM individuals or create private groups.
  • To discuss a longer, more in depth, or more sensitive matter with me, DM to set up an audio/video call via Slack or Zoom.

Attendance Policy

You are expected to arrive on time and participate for the full duration of each class.

Make sure to notify me before the class time if you will not be able to be online / in-person for part of all of the class. This class depends on collective effort – your absence will be felt. Giving us a heads up as far in advance as you can lets us make adjustments if necessary.

If you are feeling sick on an in-person day, do not come to class! Your health and well-being are essential.  In the case of an emergency, contact me at your earliest convenience, and follow up with documentation when possible.

  • For any class time missed, you can make up part or all of the participation grade for that class by reviewing all relevant materials and submitting a thorough written response before the next class.

Grading Breakdown

This course has no final examination.   Instead, your grade is based in engagement, regular completion of assignments, and major projects at the end of each unit.

  • 20% Participation (collaboration)
  • 16% Assignments (Watch & Respond, Read & Respond, p5.js sketches, Max/MSP patches)
  • 16% Project 1: Game Design
  • 16% Project 2: Media Computation
  • 16% Project 3: Physical Computing
  • 16% Project 4: Music Technology

All assignments, code and project deliverables must be submitted by the due dates. Any late assignment or project submission will continue to drop one letter grade per class session that it is late. If you experience extenuating circumstances, please keep your instructor informed.

Grading Rubric:

VALUES Excellent (A: 90-100) Good (B: 80-89) Satisfactory (C: 70-79) Poor (D: 60-69) Unacceptable (F: 0-59)
Concept Core concept is intriguing, original, and well-explored Core concept is intriguing but lacking in examination Core concept is present and supported by the work Core ideas are scattered without consideration No clear concept, or work doesn’t reflect it
Process / Progress Clear and consistent process, from ideation to execution Progress was made, but was not consistent Evidence of procrastination, “last minute” pushes or crunch Lack of progress in 1-2 areas resulting in project deficiencies Little to no progress shown on the project
Presentation Concept is clearly presented and strongly supported through audio, visuals, interaction, and narrative (if applicable) Concept is supported through presentation, but 2 or more areas of the design are lacking or distracting Concept is weakly supported through presentation, project requirements met at a “bare minimum” level 1-2 presentation requirements are not met 3+ presentation requirements are not met
Applied Skills and Technique Clear demonstration of skills in all development areas (visual, text, audio, interaction, programming) Clear demonstration of skills in 2+ development areas Demonstrates skills, but omits topics covered in class Evidence of skills, but underutilization of techniques learned in class Does not use any techniques learned in class
Collaboration Consistently provides honest, supportive feedback to peers, responsible in meeting team goals, communicates effectively Generally supportive, responsible, and good communication, with a few issues Multiple issues/problems with collaboration, meeting goals, or communicating Little to no evidence of communication, goal setting, and collaboration in a team setting Disrespectful to fellow students’ work, with negative impacts to class/team dynamics

Academic Integrity Policy

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalogue.

Instructor’s note: all borrowed text, code, or media used for this course must be attributed to the original creator. Any direct text quotes from another source must be specified with quotes and appropriately cited. Code borrowed from another source at more than four lines in length must be attributed as a //comment within the code itself. If you are unsure of whether or not your work may constitute plagiarism, please check with your instructor before submitting. Any instance of plagiarism will be reported to the MTEC Program Director, the Chair of ENT, and City Tech’s Academic Integrity Officer.

Course Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Accessibility (“CSA”). Students who have a documented disability, or suspect they may have a disability, are invited to set up an appointment with CSA (phone: 718-260-5143). If you have already registered with CSA, please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.

A Note on CityTech’s Counseling Center

The Counseling Services Center supports the educational, emotional and career development of City Tech students by providing opportunities for skill development, counseling and referrals that address obstacles to success. For questions and appointments, contact the Center at, call 718-260-5030, or walk into the office at Namm Hall 108.