MLK once said “injustices anywhere is a threat to justices everywhere.” Welcome readers and bloggers to Justice For All, my name is Naquan Ware and I’m currently a college undergraduate attending New York City College of Technology for Law & Paralegal Studies. I plan on getting a bachelors degree in Law & Paralegal Studies and one day owning my own law firm. In my spear time I like to study law, read novels, and play chess. The reason I decided to create a blog page was for the injustice taking place in our society. I would like to use my knowledge of the law and discuss current topics of today. Feel free to email me at and tell me what you think about the blog.
As an introduction here’s a sampleĀ on materialĀ that inspired me to create this blog.Ā In this clip Ail recites a poem for Attica prison riot.