Class Cancelled Tomorrow / Make-up Assignment (incl. HW for next Thu)

Hi all,
I apologize but something has come up, and I will be unable to make it to class tomorrow.
In lieu of class, I’d like you to post the following pieces of writing to the blog—just respond to this post.
1. Write a (brief) theory as to why Renee Gladman might have suggested in “Calamities” (starting on p. 49 in packet 1) that she be referred to as an “Eastern-European African-American.”  OR, if you don’t want to do this, write about something else you found interesting in Gladman’s “Calamities.” 🙂
2. 5 vocabulary words from Gladman’s “Calamaties.”  For each word, write your own sentence that shows its meaning.
3. Gladman’s text comes from a book of short prose pieces—some of which are basically short short stories.  All of these pieces begin with the phrase “I began the day…”  This writing strategy—of using a repeating phrase to begin a series of sentences, paragraphs, or sections—is called anaphora.  I want you to try this strategy by writing a paragraph in which all of your sentences begin with the same phrase—a phrase that you want to emphasize.  Your paragraph can be about your Essay 1 topic or something else.
4. In the “Essay 1 Feedback” section, write and post your feedback for Clemson Brown, Triston Brown, and Nazarah Celestine.  These essays should all have been emailed to you.  However, e-mail me if you need an extra copy e-mailed to you.  Come to class prepared to discuss your feedback for these 3 essays. co Write Feedback
HW for next Thursday (no class on Tue 10/1): Read Denis Johnson’s The Largesse of the Sea Maiden (excerpts, p. 41 in Packet 1).  Come to class prepared to discuss how you think Johnson uses voice/tone to create interesting characters (including his first person narrator).  We’ll be talking a bit about developing voice and dialogue in your essays, and Johnson’s work is a great model for how to work with voice and character.
See you next Thursday (10/3),

31 thoughts on “Class Cancelled Tomorrow / Make-up Assignment (incl. HW for next Thu)”

  1. Something I found interesting about Renee Gladmens story Calamities was when she says “ I can’t get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern European, especially not the Eastern Europeans. I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which as a black person is incredibly inspiring.” I found this interesting because it kinda confused me as to what she was talking about. Is she happy that black people want to stay black? If so why does she want them to be European? It’s interesting cause it’s confusing.

    vocab used in sentences

    There were 2 robust guys and they were both solemnity they were ready to fight. One of the guys girlfriend and her friend repressed him. He was too strong and broke loose and went after the other guy the fight was full fledged at moment.




  2. Something I found interesting about Renee Gladmens story Calamities was when she says “ I can’t get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern European, especially not the Eastern Europeans. I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which as a black person is incredibly inspiring.” I found this interesting because it kinda confused me as to what she was talking about. Is she happy that black people want to stay black? If so why does she want them to be European? It’s interesting cause it’s confusing.

    vocab used in sentences

    There were 2 robust guys and they were both solemnity they were ready to fight. One of the guys girlfriend and her friend repressed him. He was too strong and broke loose and went after the other guy the fight was full fledged at moment.




  3. 1. What I found interesting in Renee Gladman’s, Calamities is how she uses repetition to make her writing more effective to readers for example she starts a new paragraph with “I began the day…” Which probably brings us back to the title “Calamities” which is an event causing sudden damage or distress.  Another thing I found interesting is when she says “I know this because I am not Eastern European in my real life, at least I can’t get anyone to think of me this way. I can’t get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern European…”. I found this interesting because she considers herself Eastern European but that’s how people view her due to her skin color.

    2.  As I was walking to the store I saw a group of people everyone looked solemn and one person was repressed. The lady in the store who was not in close proximity was completely oblivious on how dangerous the world we live in is. This is when I realized the society we live in is full of many calamities. 

    3. This world is dangerous. This world is scary. This world focuses on fixing the wrong issues. There’s many people who are being bullied and have been bullied for many years and while this leads to terrible outcomes people still tend to do it. This world doesn’t realize that school isn’t a safe learning environment anymore. People have to worry about school shooters and people dying from drugs or even committing suicide and this all leads back to bullying. So once again This world is unsafe. The world and the people in it need to change so people could be happy to call this world their home.

    1. Thanks, Alla.  Here is where I think your post really gets moving:
      This is when I realized the society we live in is full of many calamities.
      3. This world is dangerous. This world is scary.
      Nice use of “calamities.”  Nice use of anaphora—there is a solid sense of a calamitous rhythm building in your first two sentences beginning with “This world…”  I have the sense of this rhythm being interrupted by your other explanatory sentences that don’t begin in this way.  Is there a way to make all of these sentences begin the same way?

      Also, what IS Renee Gladman’s skin color and what does it have to do with her confusing thoughts about being called Eastern European?  I’m not yet clear from your post and am interested in hearing more of your thoughts.

  4. Task 1: Brief Theory 

    ~ Something I found interesting about Renee Gladman story about Calamities was that its really different  compared to other reading but the thing with this reading was that it was a little difficult to understand but it was really interesting that she talks about identity but it seem like she is writing as if she’s a character in a book, its like she starts something new for each new paragraph she writes.

    Task 2: Vocabulary

    ~The Vicinity was very small for the amount of people that was attending.

    ~She Repressed memories that made her cry.

    ~The Solemnity at the meeting meant a lot.

    ~He’s now a full-fledged man.

    Task 3: Anaphora

    ~I remember getting ready, I was getting ready for school and I did not feeling good. I remember when I left my house I began to feel dizzy but I didn’t pass out. I remember getting home sitting in the living room and my chest began to feel tight. I remember being took to the hospital and being there for about 5 hours. I remember getting an EKG….



    1. Thanks Nazarah.

      Highlights of your post, for me:

      –The thought that Gladman writes as though she is a character in a book.  It’s good to remember that you ARE a character in the book of your own writing (even if you’re writing nonfiction!).  Thinking in this way will likely lead you to make a more dramatic and engaging story out of your (nonfictional) life.

      –~She Repressed memories that made her cry. // This is a great use of the verb “repressed.”

  5. 1. Something i found interesting in Gladman’s “Calamities” is for how she thinks black people are another kind of eastern European. I understand her point of view. We all are different. But our similarities is what connects us sometimes we do not realize or do want to realize that we are all the same like in this story she can not make eastern European to understand that black people are another kind of eastern European or how you can not get black people to be anything than black people because they believe their culture and identity is important and they are not similar as others. They want to be unique.

    2. 5 vocabulary words: Oblivious, Assess, Robust, Repressed, Blazing.

    -He drove off, oblivious of the damage he caused.

    -She tried to assess how many there might be.

    -She gave each of us a robust hug.

    -His body ached with repressed memories and disgust.

    – He approached a big blazing campfire.


    3.  Thank you to Ms.Rafeek for helping us through it all. Thank you for believing in us and helping us. Thank you for taking your job seriously and really wanting us to pass. Thank you for being a good teacher. Thank you to one of the best teachers I have ever met. Thank you for teaching me to always be confident. Thank you for teaching me to Never doubt the power of studying and putting your effort into something because it can take you a long way and make you successful. Thank you because you proved all that to me when i went from a 40 to a 97. Thank you because I made a hug big difference all because I gave my 100% into it. Thank you and remember do not underestimate yourself ever. Thank you and remember we are all capable of beautiful things. 


    1. Ishrat, thank you.

      This sentence: “He drove off, oblivious of the damage he caused.”  I love it, but there’s a tricky prepositional switch that you could make to transform this into a perfect sentence: He drove off, oblivious TO the damage he caused.

  6. 1) Something I found interesting in  Renee Gladman, “Calamites” is “I know this because I am not Eastern European in my real life, at least I can’t get anyone to think of me this way. I can’t get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern Europeans. I can’t get black people to want to be annoying other than black people, which, as a black person is incredibly inspiring…” . This sentence makes you really think and when I read it, it made me think were labeled  all these different nationalities but at the end of the day, we are all the same. It makes me think we are all equal and want our differences to stand out. If not, one thing, we are much more.

    2) Five vocab words:

    1-  She tried to undermine my authority by complaining about me to my boss.

    2- She proclaimed she will run for president.

    3- His close proximity sent her heart racing.

    4- Her voice conveyed the solemnity of the passage.

    5- A phone called excused him from hearing more of the robust bragging.

    3) I began the day waking up with a smile, confidence and ready to start my day. No one can steal my shine today. I will be my best self today.

    1. Humaiya,

      This sentence: “She proclaimed she will run for president.” It works fairly well; something that would make it altogether the best would be to add “that” after the signal verb “proclaimed.”  So you’d have: She proclaimed that she will run for president.

      (Often you will use “that” between a signal verb–a verb that shows someone talking or writing–and the phrase that the person said or wrote.)

      Keep working on the anaphora—I’m not seeing much repetition happening (yet) between these sentences.

  7. 1. It can be seen that Gladman would rather be referred to as a “Eastern European African American” instead of “Eastern European” because of her love of being black. Gladman says that as a black person, it’s “incredibly inspiring” to not be able to “get black people to want to be anything other than black people” but she also says that “delays the thinking that black people are like Eastern Europeans”. What she’s trying to say is that African Americans embrace their culture deeply and Eastern Europeans can be classified through many groups because of their different backgrounds.

    2. a) companionable: The group was very open and companionable, and everyone quickly became friends.
    b) full-fledged: After becoming a full-fledged adult, the bird was finally independent of it’s parents.
    c) domestic: The country was closed off from domestic affairs and focused on their own businesses.
    d) solemnity: Many classrooms stood quietly in solemnity on 9/11 for the victims that had their lives taken.
    e) repressed: When the girl could no longer contain her repressed feelings against her parents, she eventually          lashed out at them.

    3. Anaphora: My heart was racing as I emerged deeper into the water. My ears were slowly filled with water, then all at once. My entire body was engulfed by this huge body of water I was unfamiliar with. My mind couldn’t register this foreign feeling and all I felt was panic. My hands fanned upwards but I was still unable to get out. My legs weakened and I slowly floated to the top.

    1. Katelyn,

      I like your theory that Gladman wants to be thought of as Eastern European as a consequence of her love for being black.  I suppose Eastern European isn’t necessarily thought of as a “race” in the same way “black” is (nor is it necessarily thought of as an “ethnicity” the way “Jewish” is).  Perhaps she’s suggesting a desire to be thought of as something more than just black and using “Eastern European” (which often leads us to imagine non-black people) to suggest this?  What do you think?

      This sentence: The group was very open and companionable, and everyone quickly became friends. MONEY!

      Keep working on the anaphora.  Try to start each sentence with exactly the same phrase (not just the same pronoun–in this case “my”) and see what happens. 🙂

  8. 1. Something I found in  interesting in Gladman’s “Calamities ” is that when she said “ I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which, as a black person, is incredibly inspiring”.  I found this sentence interesting because I think she’s saying that black people are happy to be black. And they are proud to be black and it motivating them . but I also think that being a black person you can’t do anythings else.  

    2. vocabulary


    When someone is grown up, mature, adult is full fledged.

     There was this lady who was proximity close. 

    The teachers assess you.

    Summons is a legal document from the government.

    People who are in the army are robust. 


    3. Anaphora

    It’s time to go  sleep. It’s time to wake up . it’s time to get ready. It’s time to eat breakfast. It’s time  to catch the train. It’s time to be in class. It’s time to get homework out. It’s time to leave the class. It’s time for the next class. It’s time to do work in the class. It’s time to go work. it’s time to go home.   

    1. Fatima,

      I love your anaphora.  They make me imagine a really bossy older person telling a younger person what to do constantly.  What you’ve written is sort of a nice way of poking fun at that kind of way of talking.

      Can you say more about this: ” but I also think that being a black person you can’t do anythings else.  ”  I’m not yet clear on what you mean by this sentence.

      Also, double check some of your vocab words in your sentences.  You can look for example sentences in the dictionary–sometimes that helps give you a better sense of how to use certain words.

  9. 1. The excerpt “Calamities” by Renee Gladman was interesting to me because her use of  words were on point and it made the piece to be eye-catching, while it did confuse me at the beginning when she was talking about Eastern Europeans. But what I loved was how the author referred snickers like it was a human for example Gladman states “However, the snickers seemed to want to send all their time with me. This  was surprisingly, as we hadn’t been close for years.”

    2.( Vocabulary)

    – Solemnity – The soldier was buried with great solemnity.                                                                                            – Repressed – Luke had repressed memories he couldn’t forget.                                                                                    -Proximity – The proximity of the fire was next the the 2nd building across.                                                              -Fledged – The penguin is all full fledged ready to be independent.                                                                              -Robust – The Navy is all robust people.

    3.(Anaphora) :                                                                                                                                                                            –    I hate when I wake up in the morning. I hate when people pushes me in the crowded train. I hate when other’s judge based on appearances. I hate when people is staring at me for no god damn reason it gives me anxiety. I hare when people calls me fat it hurts my feelings. I hate when I cry in front of other’s. I hate when people bully for their own benefit.




  10. 1. The excerpt “Calamities” by Renee Gladman was interesting to me because her use of  words were on point and it made the piece to be eye-catching, while it did confuse me at the beginning when she was talking about Eastern Europeans. But what I loved was how the author referred snickers like it was a human for example Gladman states “However, the snickers seemed to want to send all their time with me. This  was surprisingly, as we hadn’t been close for years.”

    2.( Vocabulary)

    – Solemnity – The soldier was buried with great solemnity.                                                                                            – Repressed – Luke had repressed memories he couldn’t forget.                                                                                    -Proximity – The proximity of the fire was next the the 2nd building across.                                                              -Fledged – The penguin is all full fledged ready to be independent.                                                                              -Robust – The Navy is all robust people.

    3.(Anaphora) :                                                                                                                                                                            –    I hate when I wake up in the morning. I hate when people pushes me in the crowded train. I hate when other’s judge based on appearances. I hate when people is staring at me for no god damn reason it gives me anxiety. I hare when people calls me fat it hurts my feelings. I hate when I cry in front of other’s. I hate when people bully for their own benefit.




  11. 1. The excerpt “Calamities” by Renee Gladman was interesting to me because her use of  words were on point and it made the piece to be eye-catching, while it did confuse me at the beginning when she was talking about Eastern Europeans. But what I loved was how the author referred snickers like it was a human for example Gladman states “However, the snickers seemed to want to send all their time with me. This  was surprisingly, as we hadn’t been close for years.”

    2.( Vocabulary)

    – Solemnity – The soldier was buried with great solemnity.                                                                                            – Repressed – Luke had repressed memories he couldn’t forget.                                                                                    -Proximity – The proximity of the fire was next the the 2nd building across.                                                              -Fledged – The penguin is all full fledged ready to be independent.                                                                              -Robust – The Navy is all robust people.

    3.(Anaphora) :                                                                                                                                                                            –    I hate when I wake up in the morning. I hate when people pushes me in the crowded train. I hate when other’s judge based on appearances. I hate when people is staring at me for no god damn reason it gives me anxiety. I hare when people calls me fat it hurts my feelings. I hate when I cry in front of other’s. I hate when people bully for their own benefit.




    1. Salama,
      I, too, love the moment in the other “Calamity” where Gladman personifies the Snickers bar, speaking of it as though it has desires of its own. Go further with your analysis of this passage, though; it seems there’s more to say about this sentence. It sort of seems like she’s in a relationship with the Snickers bar; can you say more about this and why it might be interesting for us to think about?

      In your anaphora, check a couple of the subject-verb relationships: “people” is plural and so the present-tense verb ending that goes with it would be “push” (no “es”). Check the other uses of “people” in this paragraph and check the verb endings (it’s the same issue in the other cases as well).

  12. Something I found interesting in Gladman’s “Calamities” is a sentences that says “I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people” I think this means that black people are happy being black and also that they don’t want to change it.


    1) the text that the girl wrote inspiring me to write one too.

    2) summons is the bogging of a legal case.

    3) people that practice deports are robust.

    4) Do not operate microphones in close proximity to television sets.

    5) the solemnity was shown in her face.


    I had bad teacher that didn’t like to teach. I had a bad experience in school. I had a school where people didn’t care if you did good or bad. I had teachers that hit me a ruler if I didn’t follow instructions. I had a public school.

    1. Kenia,
      I hear you on that sentence from Gladman’s “Calamaties”—it’s the next part of her piece (where she suggests fashioning herself as an Eastern-European—in addition to being “African-American”) that is rather befuddling. What do you make of that?
      There is a nice build-up of “bad” details describing your school experience in the anaphora you’ve created—details which culminate in the final sentence (“I had a public school”).
      Sentences 4-5 look good, but double-check on the others by looking at examples of how the words are used in a dictionary (or online). I’m not sure about sentences 1-3 yet.

  13. 1. Something I found interesting was that she kind of seems contradicting. At the beginning of the excerpt, she states that she’ll become “different” from the person she was prior to reading The appointment. Then she explains that, ” I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black.” But, once she reads the appointment, about a Eastern European, she’ll want to identify herself something “other than black.” The appointment influenced her into wanting to identify with something other than black.


    – The advisor announced that the meeting will commence later than expected.

    – She was oblivious to the danger presented to her.

    -Due to him going to the gym three times a week, he became a robust.

    -Two Italian restaurants were of close proximity to eachother.

    – He was filled with repressed memories.


    I don’t recall crossing the border. I don’t recall Mexico. I don’t recall my grandparents. I don’t recall the family from my mom’s side. I don’t recall the family from my dad’s side. I don’t recall my grandma’s cooking. I don’t recall my grandpa’s baseball games. I don’t recall my small town. I don’t recall the flea markets. I don’t recall the backyard. I don’t recall my toys. I don’t recall the backyard. I don’t recall learning Spanish on the kitchen table. I don’t recall much. I don’t recall being somone other than “someone living in the United States.” I don’t recall.



  14. 1) Something interesting that I discovered in Renee Gladman that there are also personal calamities that occur within the space of the book. Gladman describes the closed doors and the gossip of the faculty meetings, the loss of a professor’s job, the amount of people of color in a predominantly white environment, the daily struggle to write, the chasm between her and a lover of a different generation. She has the stubborn belief of a fiction writer in the plot, even if it’s clues instead of arcs. These personal calamities serve as buoys in a book that dispenses with most of our ideas about what could constitute memories or novels; the casual reader can still stick to them, but the critical reader will see that Gladman’s return is always to the much greater calamities of geography and architecture of literature.
    2) Vocabulary:
    – His body ached with repressed memories and disgust.
    – The robust athlete quickly recovered after his knee surgery.
    – His big hand engulfed hers gently, yet his grip was strong.
    – He wore a very solemn expression on his face.
    – Three clutches of four eggs were laid and one pair fledged a brood of four.

    3) Anaphora:
    There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build up,a time to weep and a time to laugh,a time to mourn and a time to dance


  15. Brief Theory

    -> In the excerpt, “Calamities” by Renee Gladman, one of the things I found most interesting was the general complexity as well as the somewhat controversial statements she made in the beginning of the passage, for instance by saying ” I can’t get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern European, especially not the Eastern Europeans . . . How eventful would it be for the Eastern Europeans to begin calling themselves black…”. This then made me think her proclaim of being an Eastern-European African American was simple a tool initiate people into looking at things differently, seeing as she knew couldn’t get either groups to think of themselves as part of another without pushing the boundaries.


    ->  – Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes and even Wildfires are natural calamities.

    – My best friend gives robust hugs.

    –  My house is in close proximity to the train station.

    –  Some people find roller coasters exhilarating.

    – My mom always makes me do domestic chores.


    I am a girl. I am a sister. I am a daughter. I am a best friend. I am young yet I am wise. I am playful at times, I am serious during others. I am funny or at least I like to think so. I am a teammate. I am competition. I am a winner. I am a supporter. I am not the best, but I am working on getting better. I am a team player.

  16. 1) I found it interesting how she enjoyed to be bossed around when being told on what to do at a certain moment. Also how she personified the snickers bar and the details she gave with it to describe the relationship between her and the candy.

    2)- The robust scent of gas filled the house that the windows had to be opened to air the place out.

    – During the trip, students had to stay within the proximity or else they’d get lost.

    -Due to the circumstances of the conflict, he had to keep his emotions repressed.

    -After loosing the game, the team was in a solemn mood for the evening.

    -After a few years the bird fledged feathers good enough for flight.

    3) Every decision made has an affect on the later future. Whether we end up in a good situation where we can take care of ourselves. Whether we end up poor broke and reliant on constant aid to live a decent life. Whether we end up living the most satisfactory life possible. Whether we end up waking up dreading each day to live another day. Whether we end up maximizing our potential. Whether we end up living with regrets and constantly having what ifs. Each decision leads to another one which could be life changing, so we have to be mindful on what we decide to do and how we decide to do it.

  17. 1. Something interesting to me  about The text “Calamities” by Renee Gladman was when she states, ” I cant get anyone to understand how black people are another kind of Eastern European, especially not the eastern Europeans. ” What i understood from this when i read that part was that she wants to be viewed more than just black. Im guessing she sees more value if she is known as a eastern European African american maybe because thats more respectable.


    – My teammate felt robust after practice

    – There is a lot of domestic violence in my area

    – Working out is exhilarating

    – I only shoot in my proximity range

    – People start feeling repressed when sad


    Remember who you are. Remember what you came here to do. Remember there are people waiting for you at home. Remember you are not alone. Remember you control your actions. Remember to not lose control. Remember to never give up and finish the job.

  18. A thought provoking piece of writing sourcing from this essay is quoted as ” I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which as a black person is incredibly inspiring, but on the other delays the thinking that black people are like Eastern Europeans-“. While reading into said sentence, a thought came into mind of how it mostly describes an issue with race. It’s the conflict on how black people will always want to identify as black people and want to have equality to Eastern Europeans. However they will always be self aware that they are not Eastern Europeans, which will always divide them because they do not want to believe that they are similar or related to Eastern Europeans.



    Robust – The empire in Star Wars is a robust power of force.

    Repressed – While doing the finals, my mind was repressed because I was tired.

    Solemn – The soldiers made a solemn formation as they awaited the President,

    Bowels – The Bat suit was hidden deep into the bowels of the bat cave.

    Departure – As the shuttle made a departure from the atmosphere, the rocket detached from it.


    Paragraph: I am within my own right to never have to listen to a single person in the world. I am within my own right to engage into my dreams into becoming a well known artist. I am within my own right to go far and beyond what everyone else expects me to be. I am within my own right to stay on top of my work. I am in my own right to draw whatever I want, and no one can sway my ideas on what is art to me.



  19. 3. This world is dangerous. This world is scary. This world focuses on fixing the wrong issues. This world has many people who are being bullied. This world has many people who have been bullied for years. This world doesn’t realize that school isn’t a safe learning environment anymore. This world has people worrying about school shooters and people dying from drugs or even committing suicide and this all leads back to bullying. This world is unsafe. This world and the people in it need to change so people could be happy to call this world their home.

    Renee Gladman is an African American who considers herself an Eastern European but nobody really considers her one due to her skin color (black) . As she states “I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which, as a black person, is incredibly inspiring, but on the other hand delays the thinking that black people are like Eastern Europeans”. This quote shows us that people will judge you based on your appearance and Renee while she is proud to be black she wants to be viewed as more than just a black person and be treated just as equal as everyone else.

  20. 1. Renne gladman suggested in the essay “calmities” that she be refereed right as an Eastern European because in her mind an idea that black people are like another kind of Eastern European was brought up and she began to think that once “black people realize this it would be easier for them to understand things when observing the state of mind in books. As she continued reading muller she realized that she was wrong, she realized that being “like” is different from being “another kind of”. Black people don’t want to call themselves Eastern European because they’re proud of being black, and if it was reversed and the Eastern Europeans referred themselves as black Asians it would be degrading to the “black” society. What Renee did was think of an idea and quickly realized her fault in that thought.

    2. Before I commence  my homework I have to eat. I summoned my brother immediately after I got a phone call from his teacher. Whenever I go for lunch I make sure it’s in a close proximity to My house because I don’t like to travel far. My sister is oblivious to the fact that she is rude to everyone including her parents. I have to assess

  21. 1. Renne gladman suggested in the essay “calmities” that she be refereed right as an Eastern European because in her mind an idea that black people are like another kind of Eastern European was brought up and she began to think that once “black people realize this it would be easier for them to understand things when observing the state of mind in books. As she continued reading muller she realized that she was wrong, she realized that being “like” is different from being “another kind of”. Black people don’t want to call themselves Eastern European because they’re proud of being black, and if it was reversed and the Eastern Europeans referred themselves as black Asians it would be degrading to the “black” society. What Renee did was think of an idea and quickly realized her fault in that thought.

    2. Before I commence  my homework I have to eat. I summoned my brother immediately after I got a phone call from his teacher. Whenever I go for lunch I make sure it’s in a close proximity to My house because I don’t like to travel far. My sister is oblivious to the fact that she is rude to everyone including her parents. I have to assess themath question before I do it.

    3. Itwas a nice day, birds chirping kids playing everyone looked happy. It was a nice day, my mom bought my favorite cookies and she even made me breakfast. It was a nice day, my best-friend came to see me we painted each other nails matching colors and everyone complemented us at school. It was a nice day, my teacher didn’t give any homework and they let us play outside. It was a nice day, until I came home and saw ambulance cars outside and people crying. It was a nice day, until my house burnt down. It was a nice day until I lost my mother.

  22. Something that I found interesting is the way that Renee Gladman is the statement she made , ” I can’t get black people to want to be anything other than black people, which as a black person is incredibly inspiring, but on the other delays the thinking that black people are like Eastern Europeans,which could be of use when observing the state of things inside a book.” This sentence is contradicting because she begins to say that why can’t a black person think about being another race,but then go on to say that a good thing. 

    Repressed – As I began to zone out I tired to repressed the memory that I wanted to forget.
    Solemn –As I looked up I noticed a solemn expression that she wore on her tired face.
    Proximity- As they got closer in my proximity I realized that they all looked familiar.

    Exhilarating- I usually get an exhilarating when I finish my work before the deadline.

    Robust- the robust scent of coffee lingered in the air.



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