LIB/ARCH 2205ID-D930 Learning Places Spring 2020

Professors Montgomery and Leonard

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Initial class reflection

How would you rate your level of experience doing research doing research in college?

My level of experience doing research in college is fairly good. I have had other classes that ask me to do research papers. So I have gained experience in doing them. I also like to read and be informed in order to do good in my research papers. When doing research you always look for supporting sources and evidence which I find easy.

What is your expectation for this class supporting your class in your major?

My expectation for this class is to learn and understand cities just like the name of this class. I also acknowledge that my major consist of a diverse population. We also have different locations for our agencies.  I would love to learn more about the world and see the connection there are. I also expect to improve my way of doing research papers.

Initial class reflection

  1. My level of experience doing research in college is moderate. This is my last semester for a Bachelors degree so i’ve taken a few classes that required researching information to form research papers and then include that information into formal presentations.
  2. My major of human services focuses a lot on human interactions and their society.  If this class will take me into the community and have me research the area  i think it should benefit me greatly in learning more about how people live and the places around them. I’ve taken an anthropology course that had a similar concept and it made me realize how  much i wasn’t focusing on my surroundings.

Initial Class Reflection

How would you rate your level of experience doing research in college?

I would rate my level of research experience on an intermediate scale. I have done a lot of research based on various topics throughout my middle school, high school, and college experience. I have learned a lot about databases, catalogs, and Google Scholar, as well as sourcing my evidence and on what types of papers to write between MLA and APA formats. I also do personal research on general topics and questions that I may have personally.

What is your expectation for this class supporting your classes in your major?

My expectation for this class in support of my major is the visual reference and inspirations and may come across. I am majoring in Communication Design with concentrations in Graphic Design, Illustration, and Animation. Since we are going into the field to learn about our city, I can come across many opportunities to think about what to include in my work. I am also looking forward to learning more research skills when I start work with a broader range of clients who may be focused on fields of study that I am unfamiliar with.


How would you rate your level of experience doing research in college?

I would rate my level of experiences as a 4/5 i have done multiple research paper and also have taken research classes.


What is your expectation for this class supporting your classes in your major?

My expectation for this class is to view New York City differently. To increases my researching skills. For a Human Services professional research is very important.


How would you rate your level of experience doing research in college?

I believe my level of experience doing research in college is advanced due  to completing many research papers in my college experience so far. I have completed many computer science and writing research papers for my writing and major classes.


What is your expectation for this class supporting your classes in your major?

I expect this class will help my major by providing real world experience and a different learning environment outside of the virtual world (behind a computer screen). I believe this class with equip me with general knowledge of our city to give me a well rounded education.


  1. I would rate my research experience as intermediate. i have done many research when i took English classes and sometimes i do research in some of my architecture classes.
  2. Since i major in architectural technology, my expectations is to understand cities better and how they work.  also, the history of cities and how they developed to become what they are today.

Initial Class Reflection

How would you rate your level of experience doing research in college?

I would rate my level of experience doing research in college a 5-6. I have done research for introductory English courses and electives. I don’t believe I understand the research process well, I have room for improvement.

What is your expectation for this class supporting your classes in your major?

I am expecting to literally understand the city in a more logistic manner. I also expect to become better at researching material specially useful for field of study. I appreciate learning and knowledge but often times the sources are hard to find and filter.

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