After reading the articles about the Gowanus Canal, I have been able to get a better understanding of how the canal has gotten into its present day situation from the first article from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.   In the article it describes how each politician in office would come up with a solution realize it is to expensive, then move onto a cheaper fix that will not last a decade at most.  I believe that the article is trying to get across to the reader is that if we keep following the trend of choosing the cheaper option to fix the canal it will never get clean in the end.  The guide book provided was mainly talking about the zoning of areas in the city and rezoning of already zoned areas.  While some parts of the canal have been put up for rezoning such as the residential apartments being built in the area,  It remains to be seen if that will have a positive effect on the environment of the canal itself.  The last article provided talks about the rezoning of the canal area and as I’ve stated I would hope that rezoning could have a positive effect on the environment around the canal but remains to be seen.