Both The Chrysler and The Empire State building were built during the great depression, but they don’t look like they were built during the same era. They are very different in massing, materials used, and detail of the façade.

The Empire State building is bigger than the Chrysler building. The building set back on the bottom part is more noticeable compared to the Chrysler’s. It is taller than the Chrysler and the top part looks like a pen. The Chrysler building also has set back like the wedding cake, but it is not very noticeable. The top of the building is like a cone.

The Empire State building is made out of steel, Indiana limestone, granite, aluminum, and stainless steel. The limestone and aluminum are particularly noticeable on the façade of the building, especially the aluminum. The Chrysler is made out of steel frames with masonry and metal. The materials make the building brighter and whiter. Sometimes it is hard for me to look at the building when the sun is hitting it.

The Empire State buildings have low bar relief on the base as ornaments. They are very settled, and yet very visible. They mak me feel like they don’t belong there, because of their shapes compared to the shape of the building. The Chrysler building is an Art Deco styled building. The building put emphasize on their sculptures and the cone.  We can see the sculpture from far away and of course the fancy top. The materials they used reflect their history of the industry.

I like the Chrysler building. Mainly because it is very visible and the sculptures are very interesting. I walk passed the Empire State building many time before and I didn’t even realize I was there.