As I was walking through neighborhoods, I found some of the houses share the similar design feature while the buildings were trying to mimic the design style from the houses. I could also see how the old New York looked like without the 1811 gird plan. As well as seeing how very different SOHO looks from Greenwich Village and Washington Square Park. When I first arrived in Washington Square park, I didn’t realize that the park once serviced as an old cemetery area for the poor people as well as NYU back in the day purchasing buildings around the area and now, they have the best land space owned. One thing I found interesting is 5th ave stops at the entrance of Washington Square park so as you are approaching the park you get a good view of the Washington Square park arch.
As I was walking towards Greenwich Village you can see the difference in how the streets are laid out, the streets in that area are irregulated streets and that is a good representation of how the old New York looked prior to the 1811 gird plan. A good example of that is when you go to Sheridan Square Viewing Garden you can see how that open space area doesn’t have perpendicular streets. Another thing I found interesting in Greenwich Village is when we got to Gay st the one thing that stood out to me was how narrow the street and sidewalk are. I notice that it’s a street that only one car can pass. Also, some of the houses there have a unique feature and that is the main attraction in those houses are the door, because the door in the houses are wide and that is where the most detail is invested in.
When arriving at Soho you see the difference in the neighborhood because of the atmosphere there and you are seeing many buildings in soho instead of houses. Almost all of the buildings there are made out of cast iron while others are not. As well as all the buildings there have a similar façade design.
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