The Lincoln center urban renewal and the battery park share so many things in common like both provides open areas to the public. On the other side, the Lincoln center and battery park city has some differences like the conceptual idea. The following paragraphs will explain briefly the similarities and differences between the two land mark.

When I visited Battery Park City the first think that came to my mind was the Lincoln Center, I realized the Lincoln center planning compared to Battery Park City planning strategies used by developers are very similar even though the buildings carry out different programmatic and conceptual functions. The Lincoln center buildings purpose is to perform and educate people about cultural art.  However, the buildings that composed Battery Park City are most likely residential or office towers. The Battery Park City could be mainly see as a green space full of vegetation accommodated in small park near the river is more like a representation of nature. The Battery Park City is designed small parks with bunch of benches put together to give the visitors enough sitting areas. Although, the Lincoln Center doesn’t have that much green spaces since is more a representation of cultural histories.

I believe is interesting how the developers stick with the nature idea  in Battery Park City and  in the Lincoln Center. I observed that the Lincoln Center and Battery Park share in common fairly open centers. Also, the buildings are aligned on the side where the side walk is.