Professor Montgomery

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ARCH 1231 Class today 3:30pm-5:35pm


Today we will be reviewing the construction of the masonry wall for the Module 2 drawing assignment. Please be sure to post your progress sketches to our OpenLab course site or email to me.

Prof. Montgomery

Here is the Zoom login for today’s class:

Topic: Prof. Montgomery’s ARCH 1231 Zoom Class
Time: Apr 3, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 682 320 496

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Meeting ID: 682 320 496
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What we have learned about stone?

Today, from the reading we leaned how there are different types of stones and how they are being utilized to construct a building. There are three types of building stones and they are: Igneous which is molten, Sedimentary made from water and wind and Metamorphic changes from heat and pressure. There are also different groups of stone such as: granite, which is made from igneous rock, limestone which is made from sedimentary rocks and marble are made of metamorphic rocks. We also learned about how you can built using stone, different patterns of stone, sustainability of stone and durability.

Adobe Software


Please read below for instructions on how to get access to the Adobe Creative Suite software. This should allow you to create multi-page pdf files for your submissions. It should also allow you to use photoshop and illustrator to edit and compose your scans as needed.

Please contact the City Tech Helpdesk with any problems or questions:

Prof. Montgomery

From: CityTech Helpdesk
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 9:25 AM
To: CityTech Helpdesk
Subject: Adobe Creative Cloud

Good Morning,


Please see information below.

Term-active CUNY students can now download Adobe Creative Cloud applications to their personal devices. Students can go to and use their CUNY Login username to authenticate and select which Adobe Creative Cloud applications to install.

The student instructions on Accessing Adobe Creative Cloud are available online.

CIS Helpdesk


New York City College of Technology

Computing Information Services

Room N-901




Here is what we will be doing in today’s class:

  1. Daily/Weekly Routine for ARCH 1231
    • Please take this quick poll regarding your ability to check in daily to OpenLab:

      I can check in to the OpenLab daily to check the blog for course news and updates.

      View Results

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  2. Commitment to Drawing Technique
    • Everyone must confirm how you will work on drawing assignments.
  3. Divide into Groups based on Drawing Technique
    • Class will be divided into groups based on common drawing techniques for group zoom discussions.
  4. Progress Sketch/Submission Requirements
    • Twice Weekly posts of drawing assignment progress for review.
    • Must be submitted by 10am Tuesday and Friday mornings.
  5. Review of Exterior Masonry Wall Construction Layers
  6. Discussion of Dimensions for Each Component
  7. Questions and Wrapup


Jason Montgomery is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Mar 24, 2020 03:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 506 697 269

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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 506 697 269
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Module 2 Drawing Assignment Information and Guides


I will be using the Module 2 page of under the Course Materials/Assignments menu. This page can be found here:

This page has the general description of the assignment as well as mockups of the boards. At the bottom of the page there are videos of the basic system and the full wall mockup for the assignment. Please review these videos. After viewing the videos, please comment on this post with a 100 word response/reflection on the system depicted in the video, including questions that you have after watching.

Prof. Montgomery

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