
Below is the zoom link for class today.

Here is the agenda:

Today we will have a 10 minute meeting to discuss progress on the Module 2 drawing assignment.

This will be followed by breakout group meetings.

The schedule will be as follows:

3:30pm-3:40pm Class Meeting

3:45pm-4:05pm Group 1: Tithi, Noah, Max, Xhulio

4:05pm-4:25pm Group 2: Keren, Abraham, Bryan, Jonathan

4:30pm-4:50pm Group 3: Lora, Debora, Siqi

4:55pm-5:15pm Group 4: Ishrat, May, Lesly

5:15pm-5:35pm Group 5: Christian, Mohamad


Jason Montgomery is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ARCH 1231 Bulding Tech I Montgomery
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Password: 031953
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