
Turkey is prestigious for its amusing materials, particularly its cotton, developed with care and exceptionally old practices. Apparel is produced from textiles or fabrics, and from cotton-based natural and/or synthetic fibers. One extraordinary approach to see the social uniqueness of any country is through its dress and the styles individuals wear. Turkey, some time ago known as the Ottoman Empire from 1299 through 1922, has a set of experiences that stretches back to artifacts, and their textile industry goes back beyond that. While Turkey was the Ottoman Empire, textiles were a significant piece of their economy and a symbol of the nobles. Any material sold was a piece of the empire’s treasury which belonged to the king and royal family, known as the Sultan’s (Altun, 2018). In this manner materials and the wealth of the king were tradable representing the significance of materials in the Ottoman Empire. This reveals that Ottoman textiles had to be of top quality and were considered to be a luxury.  










Page Author: Rehat Reya