Turkey’s most recent foreign trade statistics, including service trade data and tariffs. In 2018, according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI), Turkey was the world’s 19th economy in terms of GDP (current US$), 29th in total exports, 26th in total imports, and the 43rd most complex economy. Turkey exported $177B and imported $202B in 2018, resulting in a trade balance of -$25B that was negative. Turkey’s per capita exports in 2018 were $2.14k and its per capita imports were $2.45k. “The top exports of Turkey are Cars ($12.9B), Delivery Trucks ($5.38B), Vehicle Parts ($4.63B), Jewellery ($4.29B), and Crude Petroleum ($3.65B). The top imports of Turkey are Refined Petroleum ($12.4B), Gold ($11.3B), Scrap-Iron ($6.47B), Vehicle Parts ($6.45B), and Cars ($6.11B)” (OEC, 2020). The countries that turkey exports are mostly to “Germany ($16.6B), United Kingdom ($11.9B), Italy ($10.1B), United States ($8.57B), and Iraq ($8.35B)” (OEC, 2020). The countries Turkey imports mostly from “Germany ($22.1B), China ($19.2B), Russia ($15.9B), United States ($10.6B), and Italy ($10.4B)” (OEC, 2020).