Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location


  • Continue Expressive words (four words):
  • Bring Ideas into the computer
    • Now it is time to interpret your sketches and determine which actual typeface to use. For this part of assignment you can use Indesign or Illustrator
    • General Specs: 
      • 4 pages (one for each word)
      • Size: 3.5” x 3.5”  square 
      • Add a 1 pt outline (border around the square)
      • Select one Sans Serif Typeface per word (with variations ok)
      • Only use black and white.
  • Remember that you already know about typeface selection, case (U & LC) and word spacing and must apply those concepts moving forward.

You can consider scale, repetition, overlap, removal of letters or parts of it to create a visual definition of your words. Do not add illustrations.

This PDF Shows the use of the PATHFINDER/DIVIDE tool in Illustrator:

This PDF shows how the Touch Tool in Illustrator might be useful if you need to quickly tilt letters


  • Students learn how to interpret their sketches to then make better selections of typeface and software to use once moving into digital environment.


Instructors: Choose at least one activity from TYPE ACTIVITIES>FOUND ALPHABET/SCAVENGER HUNT/TYPE CHALLENGE/TYPE HERO. These can be used as during-class activity or as assignment. ADD under ACTIVITIES or TO-DO AFTER CLASS.

To-Do After Class

Graphic Assignment

Please refer to this PDF with assignment details.
Assignment: All four (4) words are due next class.

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