Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location


  • Project 1: Continue Type Book:
    • Line Length and Word Spacing (pages 13 and 14 of book)
    • Spacing between lines and letters
      Line Length (leading) & Word Space (kerning & tracking)
  • Review this Quick Reference PDF with info


  • Learn about the relationship between type selection, size and spacing:
  • Understanding more type terminology and how it differs from print to screen: Leading or line height, tracking and kerning (space between letters)
    • Leading or line length refers to the space between the baselines
    • Tracking refers to the adjustment of space between all the letters of a specific word or heading
    • Kerning refers to the adjustment of space between two specific letters
  • Understanding the different scenarios of their uses
  • Continue page setup InDesign


  • Type Challenge Activity – Kerning InDesign
  • Type Talk Activity Zara logo

To-Do After Class

  1. Complete pages 13 (leading) Project 1 InDesign document
    Follow this PDFs with specifics
  2. Complete page14 (tracking / kerning) of the Project 1 InDesign document
    Follow this PDF with specifics

Graphic Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be placed in class drive unless indicated otherwise.

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