Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.
Class Info
- Date: Add date
- Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location
Expressive Typography:
Introduction to Project 2: We will explore the use of type as expression by working on a multi part project that will include expressive type with an existing typeface and also lettering.
- Please see this Quick Reference PDF with Expressive Type/Lettering Basic Info
- then see these examples
Part 1 Type as Expression Using a Sans Serif Typeface:
- Choose Four of the following words :puzzled / focus / confused / shrinking / unbalanced sinking / tired / separate / strong / cheer / fade drip / destroy / mistake / run / walk / fast / slow / grow / flying
- Find the definition of your selected words (even if you know the meaning, researching their definition can sometimes help you generate ideas.
- Sketch your word in creatives way (Sans Serif typeface only). Use a square area to sketch your words. SKETCH WITH INTENTION and PURPOSE (not just placement).
- If it is to be lower case, then sketch it that way.
If it is to be outlined, then sketch it that way.
If it is to be condensed or bold, then sketch it that way
- If it is to be lower case, then sketch it that way.
- Consider:scale, repetition, overlapping, removal, uppercase, lowercase, etc. to create a visual definition of the word.
- Do not add illustrations.

Explore how the use of an existing classic typeface combined with traditional elements of design allow designers to convey the meaning of a word:
- TYPEFACE (and their families & variations)
Instructors: Choose at least one activity from TYPE ACTIVITIES>FOUND ALPHABET/SCAVENGER HUNT/TYPE CHALLENGE/TYPE HERO. These can be used as during-class activity or as assignment. ADD under ACTIVITIES or TO-DO AFTER CLASS.
To-Do After Class
Graphic Assignment
Please refer to this PDF with assignment details.
It Includes template to write your definition and sketches.
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