Faculty: This post provides a listing of course discussion options that can be placed into individual class posts. These different discussions and related activities. They include potential live class discussions, and discussions associated with various activities and course projects.

Course Discussion Links

Type Talk – Activity

Type Talk Discussion – Blank Template

Type Talk Discussion – Found Alphabet

Type Talk Discussion – Blue Tooth logo

Type Talk Discussion – Poetry logos – Pentagram

Type Talk Discussion – Zara Logo

Type Talk Discussion – Find Page Margin

Type Talk Discussion – Fenda Edições Covers

Type Talk Discussion – Pinterest – Type on Path

Type Talk Discussion – Art of Design Paula Scher

Type Talk Discussion – Depero Futurista Pages

Type Talk Discussion – Dimensional Letters

Type Talk Discussion – Rocco Piscatello Posters

Type Talk Discussion – FELIX PFÄFFLI Posters

Type Talk Discussion – Type Talk Anja Kaiser

Type Talk Discussion – Type In Motion

Type Talk Discussion – Website
Type Talk Discussion – Typeroom.eu

Name That Type – Activity

Name that Type Discussion – Blank Template

Name that Type Discussion – First Sans Serif
Name that Type Discussion – Save Money
Name that Type Discussion – Declaration of Independence
Name that Type Discussion – First designer in USA
Name that Type Discussion – Type in Outer Space
Name that Type Discussion – Bierut poster
Name that Type Discussion – &

Found Alphabet – Activity

Type Challenge – Activity

Type Challenge  – Blank Activity Template

Type Challenge – OpenLab SetUp

Type Challenge – Typeface Selection Studies

Type Challenge – Letterform Studies

Type Challenge – Master Page -Margins

Type Challenge – Type Pairing

Type Challenge – Grid

Type Challenge – Kerning

Type Challenge – Design Sprints

Type Challenge – Cover Type

Type Challenge – Land of Punctuation.

Type Challenge – Expressive Typography

Type Challenge – 3D Type

Type Hero – Activity

Type Scavenger Hunt – Activity

Type Scavenger Hunt Activity Template
Type Scavenger Hunt – Variations
Type Scavenger Hunt – Variations 2
Type Scavenger Hunt – Alignment
Type Scavenger Hunt – Leading/ Tracking
Type Scavenger Hunt – Path
Type Scavenger Hunt – Warped Text
Type Scavenger Hunt – Type in Motion
Type Scavenger Hunt – Text Wrap
Type Scavenger Hunt – Color and Type