Architecture not only affects society on a high level but also on a personal level, it can have a deep impact on its inhabitants. As a child, I always had a great appreciation for sports and the way it brought people together and as an adult I learned to admire elaborate buildings and structures. Although it took years of understanding what meant the most to me professionally, I now know that sports architecture is the path I want to take. Well-designed architecture and the connection individuals have to it is not something that is easily measured. A successful project comes from understanding that the spaces and buildings we love most stir up feelings in us that are not easy to describe and this is what I would love to achieve as an architect by creating sports complexes.
Staying true to sustainability is perhaps another goal in my professional path. It may not be as simple in sports complexes as it is in other architecture categories but throughout my classes at City Tech, I have learned that there are many ways to achieve this through our designs. The bits and pieces obtained in the courses taken so far will help us all in some way or another regardless of the path taken within the architecture field.
There are a few firms I have researched in the past year that have my full interest, such as, HOK. HOK architects have designed multiple sports venues and mainly design community driven structures. They are based in New York City and although New York is currently home for me, I will hopefully, in the near future, travel to work elsewhere. Working at HOK is perhaps a dream come true. For now, I am in search of a master’s program to join once I complete my studies in City Tech and I am hopeful this class, specifically, will allow for additional guidance.
Hi Michelle,
As a professional sports person in past i always loved and admired sport complexes – the huge massive structures, each of which is so unique and have own character. They contain so much strength, purposes, ambitions, pleasure and hard work inside. I always watch Olympics and admire those spaces, stadiums, sport complexes and outdoor gears.
I think this is a great niche in architecture, because sports are always been, are and will be active and present in our lives. I think a lot of creativity can be used in developing such a complex. I am glad you found yourself and know what path in architecture you want to take.