assignment 3

Veronica Avila

Arch History

Professor Mishara

On the website there are many things to explore such as job offers, events, news about new projects, and news on what is happening around the world that has to do with architect. Projects that are taking place that need more people in different fields or architecture. Architects that know how to use programs such as AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup and Rhino.

On the site one thing that I found interesting was the news on the Washington Monument. The news states the Washington Monument is actually shorter that what it was stated to be.  Since 1884 it was stated that the monument was 555 feet 5 1/8 inches. Its true height is 554 feet 7  11/32 inches. This information is also on the  There other sites that show students projects such as what the University of Miami did. The students build models for the MoMa Exhibit here in New York. It provides pictures of all the models, the details. This was an example of collaboration between the museum and students.

Another thing that was interesting was the jobs. One job that is in New York.  The site asks for a talented experienced designer that has experience for at least 3 years.  The site requires excellent work with AutoCAD, excellent drafting skills and excellent communication skills. Communication skills in writing as well as verbal.  Also to be responsible and have time.  This is important because it shows what the world is like. Shows what people are looking for, what they expect.

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