
My name is veronica Avila.

What is architecture? well architecture is a structure, a figure, a form, a shape,design of a building.When I think about architecture I think how architecture has travel through time. what I admire is that even though time passes architecture improves old techniques ancient architecture designs are still present till this day and it will continue to remain in practice as well as the new modern architecture that is evolving. There are different types and design of architecture all around the world. Each building is constructed for different purposes. As well as the material and texture has changed through time. From mod to glass, brick, wood, metal and other material. Architecture is structures such as buildings and houses. Architecture is shelter, space as well as a cover , roof for people, pets. Architecture is a technique as well as a language.

I got interested in architecture when I was in eighth grade. My cousin became an engineer in Ecuador. We used to video chat and he used to tell about his job. The people that he worked with.He should me pictures. When I saw it captured my attention I thought it was cool, interesting and different. Also when I was five I saw how people build, constructed my parents house. It was my first time seeing a structure house being created and the responsibility of the people and the dedication and the hard work that got me thinking that one day I will design my own house. I will make it how I want it to be. Use the materials I want to be. I went to high school and studied architecture and I liked it enjoyed it and I was patient I had time. But what I really liked was making models and floor plans. I want to keep on practicing architecture and learning the secrets of architecture. learning its past and imagining its future through time.

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