
Writing Syllabi that Promote and Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

Friday, February 26, 2021  from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Lucie Mingla will be leading a two- hours event discussing best practices in writing an inclusive syllabus for a course. Because this document is essential for Faculty and Students, all are invited. The syllabus is the fundamental document that establishes communication and behavior throughout the course. Not only it sets all the expectations in terms of the course objectives and outcomes, but it must state clearly the methodology, pedagogy, and approaches that we use to achieve the goal. Without an inclusive syllabus, we always will leave some students behind. Using multiple ways of active learning and inclusive resources and strategies, promoting, modeling, and respecting the dialogue from different points of view, communicating policies that establish behaviors that are inclusive and consider such prospective as disabilities, mental health issues, transgender, financial challenges, underrepresented groups, etc are some of the treasures for creating a rich community. These topics and more will be discussed at this event.


Hour 1:
1- (5-min)  Entry Ticket: “What’s one thing you do to make your syllabus more inclusive?” [Please type your response in the chat]
[Respond to chats as they come in and/or read them aloud] 
2-(15-min) Presentation
3- (5-min) Poll activity: Polling yes/No question:
Do you feel that your syllabus communicates diversity and inclusion?
(A sample will be provided in the Open Lab project site Under the sample syllabus) 
4- (15-min) Presentation
5- (20-min) Interactive
 a– Q & A sharing ideas about the key concepts from the presentation
b- Bring your syllabus and show one example from your syllabus that communicates inclusion. 
Type your answer on the chatbox. Share.
Hour 2:
1-(10 minutes) Discussing samples of syllabus provided. (or your own).
2-(10 minutes) Sharing as a whole group and discussing ideas
3-(30 minutes) Sharing my syllabus and the schedule. Sharing some of my course sites.
4-(10 minutes) Key Takeaway, sharing references and resources, Q&A, and closing.