
My name is Miguel Morales. I’m from Uptown New York City called, Washington Heights. In middle School I would look forward to having art class on Fridays. I really liked to draw and it was the only place where I felt I could do anything free. Later I’ve wanted to go to an art high school, so I applied and I got in high school of Art and Design. That is when I knew I wanted to change from illustrationĀ to Graphic Design. From then now, I have increased my computer skill and have not stopped learning a few tricks. As of now, I’m in my 3rd year of college. Having a job in my field right now would be amazing and a dream come true for me.

Something I enjoy is photography. I like finding new ways of looking at a photograph and making something original. A photography that never beenĀ shot before. Another thing I like to do is play sports, in particular soccer. It involves teamwork, quick thinking, mental focus, strength and speed. I would use these skills in my daily life, like working on a project. I work well with others. Communication is key.

Aside from school, I like to hang out with my family and friends. I don’t get to see them as much as before, but I know they support me all the time. I wake up everyday, making a better person out of myself and improving that I have what it takes.