Tag Archives: learninglogs

LL8-Odalys Punch

I feel that this image is my best out of the ones I took. It has a powerful concept that I believe was worth taking a picture of. Spring is known as the season of life and with life also … Continue reading

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Odalys Punch-LL7

This picture I feel is the best representation of painting with light. To paint with light you have to slow down the shutter speed to a 1” or more. This allows the shutter to absorb as much light as possible … Continue reading

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LL5-Odalys Punch

Motion blur is capturing the rapid movement of a subject with a camera with a specific shutter speed that allows you to capture the object with some visual streaking that gives a clue towards the movement. I picked this photo … Continue reading

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LL The Thing Itself- Odalys Punch

In “The Thing Itself,” from The Photographer’s Eye by John Szarkowski, what is the difference between the thing that is shown in a photograph or the subject of the photograph and the photograph? According to this short text, why might the photograph … Continue reading

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