Author Archives: Marcus

About Marcus

Certified photographer, Beauty retoucher, graphic designer, and artist

LL4 – Portrait Basics

From today’s portrait assignment, I favored this one most. The reason I say this is because her mood matches the lighting set up. The lighting was a rembrandt set up and the background was barely lit. the barely lit background … Continue reading

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LL7 – painting with light

The class assignment today was to “paint with light”. Painting with light is simply capturing an image of light in motion. In order to successfully paint with light, one must use a tripod, camera, and some sort of light source … Continue reading

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LL6- Freezing Motion

Today’s assignment was to freeze motion. This image I found to be successful because the motion is completely frozen in mid-air. The subject is placed in the center which easily draws attention and even more specifically, the area with most … Continue reading

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LL 5 – Shutter speed

Today’s assignment was focused around Motion Blur. Motion blur is the movement caused by either the photographer, the subject or both simultaneously. When the shutter speed is too slow to capture any movement clearly, there is a hazy ghost-like effect … Continue reading

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Stephen Curry’s India exhibit

The Rubin Museum is home to Steve McCurry’s India. Inside, the exhibit has a spacious feel. In the past, the museum was originally a Barney’s department store. The department store had initially placed a spiral staircase in the center of … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW-Exhibit Review | 1 Comment

LL3 – Lighting Direction

This image taken by my group was used with a spot light. The light placement was 90 degrees to the right which can be seen through the highlights on the flower. The lighting was very direct and bright in order … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL3-Lighting Direction | 1 Comment

LL2 – Composition

This image is one of my favorites taken by my group. In the photo, the stool is placed center but slighty to the left. Surrounding the chair in deep space are people which create a framing effect around the chair. … Continue reading

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Group photos!

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HW1- Photo description

In Matthew Pillsbury’s sitting on the highline 2011, techniques and compositions are used to convey messages and engage viewers. This image is located on the High Line, found in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. There are two subjects in the photo that … Continue reading

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LL1 – The thing itself

In photography, images can have multiple meanings depending on who’s interpreting it. Often times this leads to a miscommunication between the reality of the image and the subject itself. For example, when you look at an image of a baby … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL1-The Thing Itself | 1 Comment