Peggy Z.’s Profile

Active 9 years, 2 months ago
Peggy Z.
Display Name
Peggy Z.
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

HUS1101, Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2015

HUS1101, Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2015

This course introduces the human services profession, its knowledge, values, and skills base. Major topics addressed are the history, personal attributes, lifestyles, ideologies, values, and ethical dilemmas. Included are social intervention strategies, interviewing, case management, counseling, program planning, organizing, changing systems, legal issues, and current trends.

Parks & Recreation Mgt – HMGT 4988 SP15

Parks & Recreation Mgt – HMGT 4988 SP15

Operation and management of leisure segment of tourism, such as parks, commercial and non-profit recreation facilities and sports organizations. History, current trends and likely direction of leisure are explored. Management of resources, visitors and services along with planning and marketing of spectator and participatory sports events and product are highlighted.

HMGT Internship Summer 2015

HMGT Internship Summer 2015

Work experience in the hospitality field, defined as part-time, supervised employment. Each student is responsible for getting and keeping an appropriate supervisory position for the required period: a minimum of 120 hours for a minimum of eight weeks. Measurable career objectives and related readings are defined in the initial meeting. Prerequisites: HMGT 3501, HMGT 3502, HMGT 3602

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