Yuong Huao Ng Liang’s Profile

Active 5 months, 1 weeks ago
Yuong Huao Ng Liang
Display Name
Yuong Huao Ng Liang
Major Program of Study
Human Services
Academic interests

Computer Information System

Graduation Year
May 2024

My Courses

American Government, Alexander Sections

Amer­i­can Gov­ern­ment, Alexan­der Sec­tions

This is the in­tro­duc­tory course in Amer­i­can Gov­ern­ment, with the main focus on the na­tional level but some at­ten­tion to state and local lev­els as well. This Open­Lab site con­tains course ma­te­ri­als as well as links to news sites and a dis­cus­sion board to ex­change ideas. Please keep dis­agree­ments friendly, and please keep in mind that our main pur­pose is more to an­a­lyze than to react and fume. When the course is over, as long as you still have an Open­Lab ac­count at City Tech, you are in­vited to con­tinue post­ing on this dis­cus­sion board. To ac­cess course ma­te­ri­als, click “Visit Course Site” at the right of this page.

ENG1101 Blain FA2020

EN­G1101 Blain FA2020

This is the course site for Jackie Blain’s ENG 1101 syn­chro­nous class for Fall 2020. Comp I is de­signed to help stu­dents read, think, and com­pose across a va­ri­ety of sit­u­a­tions.

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Summer 2024

City Tech 101 – Alessi – Sum­mer 2024

This work­shop fo­cuses on help­ing new stu­dents tran­si­tion to col­lege life, and specif­i­cally to City Tech. The work­shop will en­hance the New Stu­dent Con­nec­tion with ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion, ac­tiv­i­ties, and var­i­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fac­ulty, staff, and cur­rent City Tech stu­dents. In ad­di­tion to learn­ing how to ac­cess a va­ri­ety of col­lege ser­vices and re­sources, stu­dents will de­velop per­son­al­ized plans for their col­lege ca­reer.

Workshop City Tech 101: Introduction to College  (3U27)

Work­shop City Tech 101: In­tro­duc­tion to Col­lege (3U27)

This work­shop fo­cuses on help­ing new stu­dents tran­si­tion to col­lege life, and specif­i­cally to City Tech. The work­shop will en­hance the New Stu­dent Con­nec­tion with ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion, ac­tiv­i­ties, and var­i­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fac­ulty, staff, and cur­rent City Tech stu­dents. In ad­di­tion to learn­ing how to ac­cess a va­ri­ety of col­lege ser­vices and re­sources, stu­dents will de­velop per­son­al­ized plans for their col­lege ca­reer.

City Tech 101 Workshop Section WN15, Winter 2024

City Tech 101 Work­shop Sec­tion WN15, Win­ter 2024

This work­shop fo­cuses on help­ing new stu­dents tran­si­tion to col­lege life, and specif­i­cally to City Tech. The work­shop will en­hance the New Stu­dent Con­nec­tion with ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion, ac­tiv­i­ties, and var­i­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fac­ulty, staff, and cur­rent City Tech stu­dents. In ad­di­tion to learn­ing how to ac­cess a va­ri­ety of col­lege ser­vices and re­sources, stu­dents will de­velop per­son­al­ized plans for their col­lege ca­reer.

My Projects



This page is to be used by stu­dents and fac­ulty. It con­tains Open Ed­u­ca­tional Re­sources (OER) for the Human Bi­ol­ogy course lec­tures taught at City Tech.

The Buzz

The Buzz

Wel­come to The Buzz, a stu­dent blog­ging site ded­i­cated to all things City Tech–from how to han­dle the pres­sures of school, to what movies to see. Join the dis­cus­sion by adding a com­ment to a post you like, or by adding a post your­self! And be sure to join the pro­ject to get reg­u­lar up­dates!

Through the lens

Through the lens

Are you an In­com­ing fresh­man to NYCCT? Want to get to know the cam­pus a lit­tle bet­ter? Well, here we have a ton of pic­tures to help you fa­mil­iar­ize your­self with what you’ll be see­ing every time you walk around cam­pus.

MAT 1275 Video Resources

MAT 1275 Video Re­sources

Strug­gling a bit with your home­work or want to be sure you un­der­stand an idea well? Here are videos you can watch, sorted by sub­ject, to help you on your jour­ney. Enjoy! Avatar image and site header cre­ated at lo­go­makr.com

MAT 1275 CO Video Resources

MAT 1275 CO Video Re­sources

Strug­gling a bit with your home­work or want to be sure you un­der­stand an idea well? Here are videos you can watch, sorted by sub­ject, to help you on your jour­ney. Enjoy! Avatar image and site header cre­ated at lo­go­makr.com

My Clubs

Human Services Club

Human Ser­vices Club

The Human Ser­vice Club, is a great way to net­work, help oth­ers, be an ac­tivist, and gain ex­pe­ri­ence in the human ser­vice field.

City Tech Robotics Club

City Tech Ro­bot­ics Club

City Tech Ro­bot­ics Club is a stu­dent as­so­ci­a­tion op­er­ated by City Tech un­der­grad­u­ate stu­dents under the guid­ance of fac­ulty ad­vi­sors from City Tech Ro­bot­ics Re­search Lab. The club hosts var­i­ous events and con­ducts a broad range of stu­dent pro­jects through the se­mes­ters. Please check CIty Tech Ro­bot­ics Re­search Lab web­site for in­for­ma­tion on pro­jects and the CIty Tech Com­puter & Ro­bot­ics Tech­nol­ogy Sem­i­nar Se­ries: http://​www.​cit​ytec​hrob​otic​s.​org The Club wel­comes every­one from the en­tire City Tech com­mu­nity to join, re­gard­less his or her major. Please con­tact Dr. Li (xhli@​citytech.​cuny.​edu) on how to join the club.

Yuong's Friends

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