Victor Lee’s Profile

Active 14 hours, 14 minutes ago
1 to 7 (of 7)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

Jonas Reitz

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally with adjunct faculty, with meetings, deadlines, announcements and more.

City Tech 101 4-Session Professional Development June 2024

Jessica DeCoux

This is a space for faculty members who are preparing to facilitate CT101 to work together.

WeBWorK Working Group

This group is for faculty who are participating in the rollout of WeBWorK. We are working together to: Create instructional documents for the WeBWorK end-users (both faculty and students), Develop creative […]

Math Department Instructor Resources

Kate Poirier

This site contains resources for faculty teaching in the math department. Resources include course outlines and final exam review sheets, as well as support for distance learning in mathematics.

MAT 1275 Video Resources

Ariane Masuda

Struggling a bit with your homework or want to be sure you understand an idea well? Here are videos you can watch, sorted by subject, to help you on your journey. Enjoy! Avatar image and site header created […]

The Peer-Led Team Learning Program