
CT101 Post-Teaching Feedback Forum

Hello, everyone! Some of you mentioned that you would like to have a forum to stay connected with other new CT101 faculty. This post is a place for all of you to share your thoughts and feedback as you dive into teaching City Tech 101.

Please use this space in whatever way works best for you as a group. You may wish to share your experiences of teaching CT101 for the first time, to ask questions, to discuss a particular lesson or activity, or something else. Please post anything that will be helpful to you as a CT101 instructor or that you feel would be helpful to others. (Of course, please also take time to read others posts and comment if you can!)

Following up: Deliverables + More

Thank you for attending the CT101 Professional Development Workshop! As you work this summer to personalize your course materials and prepare to teach, keep in mind that Jessica DeCoux will be available for Zoom faculty office hours throughout July. Please feel free to drop in if you have questions or need support. You can also email jdecoux@citytech.cuny.edu for help at other times!

CT101 Faculty Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., July 2-August 1, 2024

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87142455743

Meeting ID: 871 4245 5743

A few important reminders for you on deliverables…
  1. Please complete all reflections for the CT101 June PD by Friday, June 28.
  2. Please revise one segment or lesson (at least four slides) from two different session presentations—at least eight slides in total. Personalize the slides so they reflect your own teaching approach and preferences.
  3. Please upload your revised slides to the file library on our OpenLab PD project site. (Instructions for doing this are below.)
  4. Please submit the slides by end of day on Friday 7/5. Payment for the last five hours of your professional development time is dependent on our receipt of your revised slides and session reflections!

Instructions for Uploading Files: