Carlos Cintron’s Profile

Active 4 years, 2 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

ARTH 1103 Survey of Art History

Michael J. McAuliffe

A History of Art and Architecture from the Prehistoric Era to the Present

HMGT 2402 Wine Bev Fall 2019

HMGT 2402 Wine Bev Fall 2019

Adrian Murcia
HMGT 2402|Fall 2019

Course Description Historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures, including jargon particular to the beverage trade. Basic understanding of […]

HMGT4992 Nutrition for Food Service Professionals, SP2019

Prof. Sara Kay
HMGT 4992|Spring 2019

Relationship of food to health from the perspective of the culinary professional. Discussion of the basic elements of nutrition as it relates to menu development, role of restaurants, and diverse cultural […]

CST1102ID Prog Narr, SU2019

CST1102ID Prog Narr, SU2019

Jacquelyn Blain, TCunningham

Write an interactive video game and program a trailer for it.

Art! Camera! Food! FYLC Spring 2018

Sandra Cheng, Prof. Thalia Pericles, Tracy Zimmermann
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 1203/ HMGT 1204/ ARTH1100|Spring 2018

The Art! Camera! Food! Learning Community for HMGT students to explore the ever increasing art of gastronomy through the lens of digital media. This website is for students in Prof Zimmerman’s Culinary I (Weds AM […]