Roksolana Ivashkevych’s Profile
Portfolio COMD4801 Fall Term – 2016
Development of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession through creating a professional portfolio. Students develop personal branding and web presence, individual promotion pieces, resume w […]
ARTH 1102 History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
Survey of Western Art from 1300 to the Present
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An introduction to the basic components and practices of preproduction and production methodologies for content creation in commercial video and film production. Through lectures, reading assignments, screenings […]
This blog is designed for students in Advanced Career Writing taught by Jennifer Sears. The aim of this blog is to present issues specific to writing techniques specific to online writing, such as tone and […]
COMD4900 E298 Spring 2017 Patrissi
Students are required to find internship opportunities of approximately eight hours per week at an Industry segment site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved companies include advertising […]
Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications
- OpenOpen
Working individually or in teams, students consult with a variety of clients on the design and production of a range of print and digital media including logos, posters, web sites, advertising campaigns, brochures […]
- OpenOpen
Advanced web design is a continuation of ADV2450 Web I, a prerequisite of this course. Students will study, in further detail, HTML and CSS to ensure that they have a solid foundation. It is assumed that students […]
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Web 3 – Fall 2015 – COMD 3652-E270
This is an intensive course in design and development of dynamic websites. The course offers a combination of theoretical and practical information on how to combine the PHP scripting language with the MySQL […]
COMD3562 UX & UI Design, FA2015
Building on skills learned in COMD 3551, topics include advanced CSS, Javascript and Flash integration. Students work with clients to design and construct a professional working website following contemporary web […]
- OpenOpen
ADV 3662 Interactive Animation-Fall 2014
Vector-based animation and interactivity are important presentation tools for engaging the user. The goal of this course is to teach the development of time-based animation skills. It will introduce the concepts of […]
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