Ruth Garcia’s Profile

Active 5 days, 15 hours ago
Ruth Garcia
Display Name
Ruth Garcia
Associate Professor
Office Location
Academic interests

Eighteenth-Century British Literature, with a focus on the novel Women's Writing Historical/Cultural Studies of Servants and Service Motherhood Studies


Ruth G. Garcia is an Associate Professor of English at New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York. She earned her Ph.D. in English from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her scholarship focuses on the representation of servants and service in eighteenth-century novels, especially those written by women. Her work has been published in Her Own Worst Enemy: The Eternal Internal Gender Wars of Our Sisters, The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789, The Literary Encyclopedia, and The Journal of Mother Studies. Dr. Garcia is also a co-editor of Lead, Follow, or Move Out of the Way: Global Perspectives in Literature and Film (4th edition).

My Courses

ENG 1121 Spring 2024

ENG 1121 Spring 2024

ENG 1121 is an ad­vanced course in ex­pos­i­tory essay writ­ing that in­cludes a re­quired li­brary paper. This course fur­ther de­vel­ops re­search and doc­u­men­ta­tion skills (MLA style). De­mand­ing lit­er­ary and ex­pos­i­tory read­ings are as­signed for class­room dis­cus­sion and as a basis for essay writ­ing. Course avatar and header image from “Rain­bow Bear Mural, 3rd Street, White­fish, MT” by War­ren LeMay via Flickr using the li­cense CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED.

ENG1101 D156, Fa2023

EN­G1101 D156, Fa2023

This is a course in ef­fec­tive essay writ­ing and basic re­search tech­niques in­clud­ing use of the li­brary. De­mand­ing read­ings are as­signed for class­room dis­cus­sion and as a basis for essay writ­ing. Image Credit: “Hope” by CR­Fish via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​biggfish/​721037678/

ENG1101 LC48, Fa2024

EN­G1101 LC48, Fa2024

This is a course in ef­fec­tive essay writ­ing and basic re­search tech­niques in­clud­ing use of the li­brary. De­mand­ing read­ings are as­signed for class­room dis­cus­sion and as a basis for essay writ­ing. Image Credit: “Red no. 2 & yel­low no. 5” by Thomas Cizauskas via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​cizauskas/​52510889344/

ENG1101 D191, Fa2024

EN­G1101 D191, Fa2024

This is a course in ef­fec­tive essay writ­ing and basic re­search tech­niques in­clud­ing use of the li­brary. De­mand­ing read­ings are as­signed for class­room dis­cus­sion and as a basis for essay writ­ing. Image Credit: “Three of Us” by Alan Levine via Flickr CC0 1.0 https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​cogdog/​30015922461/​sizes/​l/

CT 101 LC04

CT 101 LC04

This work­shop fo­cuses on help­ing new stu­dents tran­si­tion to col­lege life, and specif­i­cally to City Tech. The work­shop will en­hance the New Stu­dent Con­nec­tion with ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion, ac­tiv­i­ties, and var­i­ous op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fac­ulty, staff, and cur­rent City Tech stu­dents. In ad­di­tion to learn­ing how to ac­cess a va­ri­ety of col­lege ser­vices and re­sources, stu­dents will de­velop per­son­al­ized plans for their col­lege ca­reer.

My Projects

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to high­light all that’s pos­si­ble on the Open­Lab. Join now to keep up on Open­Lab news, events, and up­dates. Check our weekly In the Spot­light posts for a glimpse into the in­cred­i­ble work being done by City Tech stu­dents, fac­ulty, and staff. Fol­low Open­Lab News for an­nounce­ments and site up­dates. And see our Open­Lab Cal­en­dar for of­fice hours, events, and work­shops. You can find our work­shop sched­ule and signup for work­shops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the Open­Lab com­mu­nity (mean­ing you!). We would love your feed­back, in­sight, and com­ments. Please send along any­thing on the Open­Lab that you love! We are al­ways avail­able for any ques­tions you might have. Email us any­time at open­lab@​citytech.​cuny.​edu!

Office of the Provost

Of­fice of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Aca­d­e­mic Af­fairs In­for­ma­tion

Gender & Sexuality Studies Minor

Gen­der & Sex­u­al­ity Stud­ies Minor

Gen­der & Sex­u­al­ity Stud­ies is an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary Minor that ex­plores is­sues of gen­der and sex­u­al­ity from var­i­ous per­spec­tives. It cur­rently in­cludes courses in Eng­lish, Human Ser­vices, So­cial Sci­ence, and African Amer­i­can Stud­ies, and will con­tinue to grow to in­clude even more dis­ci­plines. Stu­dents can take courses that focus on hu­man­ity, sex­u­al­ity and sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, stud­ies in gen­der iden­tity/roles, rep­re­sen­ta­tions of gen­ders in lit­er­a­ture and film, among other course themes. All courses are open-ended; as such, the course syl­labi and themes may vary from year to year. Many Gen­der & Sex­u­al­ity Stud­ies courses at City Tech are Path­ways cer­ti­fied and can sat­isfy Writ­ing In­ten­sive and In­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary Bac­calau­re­ate De­gree re­quire­ments for grad­u­a­tion.

Writing Across the Curriculum

Writ­ing Across the Cur­ricu­lum

WAC en­cour­ages courses through­out the col­lege to in­cor­po­rate for­mal and in­for­mal writ­ing into the course prac­tices and re­quire­ments. Avatar re­trieved from Bridge­line Dig­i­tal, Cre­ative Com­mons Li­cense

FYLC for Faculty

FYLC for Fac­ulty

This is a work­ing space for Fac­ulty who par­tic­i­pate in First Learn­ing Learn­ing Com­mu­ni­ties. This site is a pri­vate web­site open to these FYLC Fac­ulty.

My Clubs

Ruth Garcia hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.