Paula’s Profile

Active 11 years ago
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RESD Complete Dentures I

RESD Complete Dentures I

Esther Cuya
Restorative Den...|RESD 1111|Fall 2012

Complete Denture I is an introduction to basic techniques of full denture construction. This course will include anatomical terminology as it relates to full denture construction, fabricating of custom impression […]

RESD 1115 Fixed Prosthodontics I

Renata Budny
Restorative Den...|Fall 2012

An introduction to the theory and practice of fabricating fixed prostheses including the construction of casts and dies, identifying margins, trimming, ditching, and articulation. Creation of provisional, […]

English2200 American Lit, Fall2013-Scanlan

Professor Sean Scanlan
English|ENG2200|Fall 2013

This course examines a wide range of literature from the colonial era up to the American Civil War. Primarily, we will read poems, short stories, memoirs, journals, and diaries. But we will also read historical […]