Taliyah Watson’s Profile

Active 2 years, 9 months ago
Taliyah Watson
Display Name
Taliyah Watson
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

Dining Room Operations

Din­ing Room Op­er­a­tions

Pro­ce­dural, cus­tomer and staff per­spec­tives in­volved in the pro­vi­sion of qual­ity ser­vice as prac­ticed in a din­ing room lab­o­ra­tory. Stu­dent ro­ta­tion through din­ing room ser­vice po­si­tions with em­pha­sis on re­spon­si­bil­i­ties of plan­ning, pro­duc­ing and eval­u­at­ing ser­vice. Prac­tice of proper safety and san­i­ta­tion meth­ods. Cri­tique of restau­rant ser­vice.

Baking and Pastry II Spring 2020

Bak­ing and Pas­try II Spring 2020

A re­source for view­ing stu­dent work from the HMGT 2304 dessert class

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