Keven’s Profile

Active 5 months, 3 weeks ago
1 to 9 (of 9)

ARCH 4900 Architectural Internship

Ken Conzelmann
ARCH 4900

3 Credits / Meets every 2 weeks. Prerequisites: Design 4 & Building Tech 4 This elective course allows students with a course director-approved internship/job to enroll. Student assignments include a running […]

ARCH1212, SP2021

tsachree, ioannis oikonomou
ARCH 1212|Spring 2021

Architectural Design 2: Foundations and Visual Studies

ARCH 3512 FALL 2022

Lia, Ardavan Arfaei
ARCH 3512|Fall 2022

Adaptive Reuse Studio

ARCH2431.BT3 Fall 2021

ARCH2431.BT3 Fall 2021

Prof. Paul King

AR2431.BT3 Class Fall 2021

Learning Places: Understanding the City LIB2205ID ARCH2205 (OL96) Fall 2020

Keith Muchowski, Michael Duddy
LIB2205ID ARCH2205ID|Fall 2020

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with […]

Building Technology II ARCH2331, S2021

Alexander Aptekar
ARCH 2331|Spring 2021

Resources for Building Technology 2 This site contains Assignment Discussion Questions and answers. References, Articles, and Link on: construction technology, codes, AutoCAD and software tools.

ARCH1121 History of World Architecture to 1900, FA2020 OL24

Robert Zagaroli 3rd
ARCH 1121|Fall 2020

An historical survey of architecture from early civilizations to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is examined as an expression of the culture and life of a society. Class sessions study […]

ARCH1112, FA2020

tsachree, ioannis oikonomou
ARCH 1112|Fall 2020

Architectural Design 1: Foundations and Visual Studies

ARCH 1231 BTECH 1, FA2020

Robert Christo
ARCH1231|Fall 2020

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and […]