Miguel Rodriguez’s Profile

Active 2 days, 5 hours ago
Miguel Rodriguez
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Miguel Rodriguez
IT Academic Technology Coordinator
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My Courses

Miguel Rodriguez hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Of­fice of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Aca­d­e­mic Af­fairs In­for­ma­tion

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to high­light all that’s pos­si­ble on the Open­Lab. Join now to keep up on Open­Lab news, events, and up­dates. Check our weekly In the Spot­light posts for a glimpse into the in­cred­i­ble work being done by City Tech stu­dents, fac­ulty, and staff. Fol­low Open­Lab News for an­nounce­ments and site up­dates. And see our Open­Lab Cal­en­dar for of­fice hours, events, and work­shops. You can find our work­shop sched­ule and signup for work­shops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the Open­Lab com­mu­nity (mean­ing you!). We would love your feed­back, in­sight, and com­ments. Please send along any­thing on the Open­Lab that you love! We are al­ways avail­able for any ques­tions you might have. Email us any­time at open­lab@​citytech.​cuny.​edu!

SEEK at City Tech Alumni

SEEK at City Tech Alumni

This pro­ject was cre­ated to help SEEK stu­dents who are ap­proach­ing grad­u­a­tion or who are grad­u­ates of the SEEK Pro­gram at New York City Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy. Our goal is to help you con­nect with each other in order to build pro­fes­sional net­works, fos­ter strong re­la­tion­ships and pro­vide mu­tual sup­port and guid­ance through on­go­ing so­cial, pro­fes­sional, and ed­u­ca­tional op­por­tu­ni­ties.This



The ePort­fo­lio pro­ject at New York City Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy “City Tech” en­ables stu­dents to cre­ate pro­fes­sional web­sites that will con­tain a num­ber of their aca­d­e­mic ex­am­ples and learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ences.

My Clubs

Salsa Club

Salsa Club

The Salsa Club was cre­ated to teach stu­dents how to dance salsa as well as bachata, merengue, and cumbia. We want stu­dents to have fun and let loose after a long and stress­ful class. Stu­dents will have a great learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence and get a work out in at the same time! We are lo­cated in the Kl­it­gord Cen­ter Gym Mon­days and Wednes­day from 11am-12:15pm and Thurs­days at 1:45pm-3pm. To find out fur­ther in­for­ma­tion email us at CityTech­Sal­saClub@​gmail.​com

Student Government Association

Stu­dent Gov­ern­ment As­so­ci­a­tion

The Stu­dent Gov­ern­ment As­so­ci­a­tion is the rep­re­sen­ta­tive body for stu­dents. We are re­spon­si­ble for rec­om­mend­ing stu­dent ac­tiv­ity fee al­lo­ca­tions, shap­ing poli­cies af­fect­ing stu­dent life, co­or­di­nat­ing ex­tracur­ric­u­lar events and char­ter­ing new or­ga­ni­za­tions. Feel free to con­tact SGA Pres­i­dent, Lucas Al­monte, with any ques­tions, sug­ges­tions or con­cerns. He can be reached at SGAPres­i­dent@​CityTech.​Cuny.​Edu If you wish to start a club on cam­pus con­tact SGA Vice Pres­i­dent, Syl­wester Dom­broski, at SGAVP@​CityTech.​Cuny.​Edu