MariahRajah’s Profile

Active 4 years, 4 months ago
1 to 7 (of 7)

Introduction to Language and Technology

Robert Lestón
ENG1710|Fall 2023

An introduction to the relationship between language and technology by reviewing the history of various technologies of the world, including writing, printing, and digital media. The course explores the history of […]

ENG 1133 | Specialized Communication For Technology Students | Spring 2016

Patrick Corbett
Professional an...|ENG 1133|Spring 2016

”Academic as well as occupational writing such as lab reports and bids, emphasis on the documented report, summarizing material and writing letters. Written presentations frequently utilize visual aids such as […]

ENG 2720: Writing with New Media

Jill Belli
English|2720|Fall 2015

An exploration of the changing nature of composition practices and rhetorical strategies in the digital age. Students are introduced to a variety of digital writing platforms that expand communicative practices […]

Emotions 101: ENG 1101-LC 49

Emotions 101: ENG 1101-LC 49

Jennifer Sears, Prof Barbara Chutroo
English,Humanit...|ENG 1101|Spring 2016

This Learning Communities course themed Emotions 101: Learning to Navigate the Challenges of College and Life will offer readings, writing assignments, and a shared movie, “127 Hours,” enabling students to ide […]

ENG3760 Digital Storytelling, SP2016

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG3760|Spring 2016

In our “Digital Storytelling” class, we will define what we mean by “digital storytelling,” learn terminology for understanding digital storytelling, create digital storytelling deliverables individually and col […]

ENG 3790 | Information Architecture | Spring 2016

Patrick Corbett
Professional an...|ENG 3790|Spring 2016

“This theory and practice-based course provides a theoretical overview of the concepts and practices of information architecture: Organization, labeling, navigation, search, and metadata. Students develop p […]

ENG 2700, Intro to PTW, Spring 2015

Patrick Corbett
English|ENG 2700|Spring 2015

Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing (ENG 2700), surveys a broad range of issues related to the domains of professional and technical writing. Students will be introduced to the central issues, […]