Melisa WuLin’s Profile
COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site
This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic […]
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This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned as the basis for classroom discussion and for essay writing.
- CloneableCloneable
COMD4900 OM74 Spring 2024 Goetz
Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, […]
COMD3711 Vector Art Editing, Fall 2023
Students will learn advanced techniques for design, illustration, and production on the computer using vector graphics. Students are exposed to professional tools using software such as Adobe Illustrator on the […]
- OpenOpen
Communication Design Theory COMD3504_D061
An in-depth introduction to communication design theory, this course examines theoretical perspectives of design practice within the larger discourse of design and visual culture. Communication models, the […]
- Not ActiveNot Currently Active
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COMD3562 UX & UI Design, Spring 2023
User Experience (UX) Design is an essential component in developing websites, applications, and any other type of product intended to be used by people. This course examines the leading concepts of user—centered d […]
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- CloneableCloneable
COMD3313, Illustration1, FA2022
This course is a practical introduction to the field of illustration. Focus will be placed on process work and professional practices, presented within contemporary and historical context. Course includes […]
- OpenOpen
COMD3701 Design Studio, FA2022
This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member […]
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COMD 2451 – OL23 Web Design I, Spring 2022
Required for all associate level students, this capstone course is designed to showcase work done in previous courses. Focused on website design and development, topics include creative user interface design and […]
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- CloneableCloneable
This beginning photography course explores the foundational concepts of light and exposure. Using dSLR cameras, professional lighting equipment and software*, the student develops compositional skills and the […]
- OpenOpen
This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students […]
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COMD1200 Graphic Design Principles II, Sp2021
This course explores creative visual thinking and its importance to communication design. Students will experiment with image making techniques and learn to use graphic elements to communicate concepts and ideas. […]
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