Prof. Marie Montes’s Profile

Active 9 years, 11 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)
Microbiology (Bio 3302)

Microbiology (Bio 3302)

Prof. Marie Montes
Biological Scie...|3302|Fall 2012

This is a general microbiology laboratory course that focuses on the study of microorganisms from domains Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. The course will emphasize the study of microbe/host interaction as it […]

Bio1101 General Biology I

Prof. Seto
Biological Scie...|Bio1101|Spring 2012

Biology 1101 is an introductory Biology course. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. Since Biology is governed by […]

Nutrition (Bio 3524)

Nutrition (Bio 3524)

Prof. Marie Montes
Biological Scie...|Bio 3524|Spring 2013

This course will be based on the study of nutrient constituents of foods, metabolism of nutrients in the body and their role in the human body. We will put special emphasis on specific health problems, especially […]

General Biology II: Bio1201

Prof. Marie Montes
Biological Scie...|Bio1201|Fall 2012

This course is the Lecture component of General Biology II. It focuses on the study of all organisms, with special attention to humans. During the first part of the semester we will focus in the study of […]