manoli94’s Profile

Active 3 years ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

MECH3550 Simulation and Visualization OER

Prof. Swanson
MECH3550|Fall 2022

An Advanced Course related to Simulating, Visualizing, and Modeling using multiple different software.

Films From Literature: Shadow Play

Prof. Gold
English|2400|Fall 2013

Darkness, shadows, and light as they play across pages and screens.

MAT 1575 Calculus II Fall 2014

Kate Poirier
Mathematics|MAT 1575|Fall 2014

A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series, tests of convergence, techniques of integration, improper integrals, areas, volumes and arc lengths.

SPE 1330: Effective Speaking

Humanities|SPE 1330|Fall 2011

SPE 1330 (Effective Speaking) is designed to achieve two broad aims. First, we seek to advance your knowledge of the public speaking process. We will accomplish this aim through a combination of written […]

Telling Brooklyn Stories

English,Humanit...|1101 / 1330|Fall 2012

Prof. Justin Davis Prof. Jody R. Rosen * * * * * Brooklyn is a collection of neighborhoods and location, a microcosm of the world. This semester, in Telling Brooklyn Stories, we will explore Brooklyn […]