Lisa Pope Fischer’s Profile

Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Writing Across the Curriculum

WAC encourages courses throughout the college to incorporate formal and informal writing into the course practices and requirements. Avatar retrieved from Bridgeline Digital, Creative Commons License

WAC Digital Initiatives: Writing Intensive Certification

Alicia Andrzejewski

Current and potential writing intensive (WI) course instructors now have the opportunity to complete the certification process online, in a fast-tracked method well-suited to some faculty members’ crammed […]

Living Lab General Education Seminar Spring 2020

Living Lab General Education Seminar Spring 2020

J A Montgomery

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Intercultural Knowledge and […]

OER Fellowship

This is a collaborative space for faculty in the Open Educational Resources (OER) Fellowship, and anyone interested in OERs and open pedagogy.

Living Laboratory Associate Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory Associate Fellows participating in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This s […]

NEH Comparative Perspectives on Health, Illness and Healing

Our year-long project will explore the practice of medicine as an expression of cultural beliefs and value systems that differ widely across cultures and that have evolved in particular ways in particular […]