Kyle Sealy’s Profile

Active 2 years, 9 months ago
Kyle Sealy
Display Name
Kyle Sealy
Major Program of Study
Communication Design

My Courses

COMD3313, Illustration 1, OL74, FA20

COMD3313, Illustration 1, OL74, FA20

This course is a practical introduction to the field of illustration. Focus will be placed on process work and professional practices, presented within contemporary and historical context. Course includes projects and lectures in a variety of illustration genres including: advertising, book illustration, and editorial. A variety of materials will be introduced through lectures and demonstrations for use on assignments such as: pencil, pen and ink, brush, colored pencil, and digital illustration. Critical concepts such as: Conceptual Development, Working on Assignment, Composition, Contrast, Value, Point of View, and Color theory will be introduced.



Development of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession. Faculty and professional advisors critique cumulative work. Students work independently with faculty supervision to edit and refine their design work to develop a portfolio that meets professional standards.

COMD3701 Design Studio, FA21

COMD3701 Design Studio, FA21

This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member teaching this course.

COMD4900 OL90 11316 Internship Summer 2021

COMD4900 OL90 11316 Internship Summer 2021

Internship in Communication Design (Summer Intensive) Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately 25 plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.

COMD3500. OL26. FA2020

COMD3500. OL26. FA2020

Campaign Development I is a “in depth” exploration of the contemporary advertising campaign. It. will build on skills you obtained in COMD2300 & COMD2400. Working individually and as teams, you will be responsible for researching and developing creative concepts for various package goods and service sector clients. Conceptual thinking will be refined. and enhanced. Advertising that is “atypical” – that breaks the mold – will be discussed and encouraged since no one notices “nice advertising”. The importance of developing and understanding smart strategies and how they work into conceptual solutions will be addressed. You will be encouraged to develop a ePortfolio site. Examples of stellar advertising – past, present and breaking – will be shown throughout this course. When possible, appropriate field trips will be incorporated into our class schedule.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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