Klodian’s Profile

Active 10 years, 5 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

Wine and Beverage Management, Goodlad, Spring 2013

Wine and Beverage Management, Goodlad, Spring 2013

Prof. Goodlad Leads students through an historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures including jargon particular to the beverage trade.

Urban Tourism

Urban Tourism

This course will examine urban tourism as a vehicle of urban renewal and economic regeneration. The roles of government, business, and the community will be explored as well as issues of development, management, the environment and social equity. New York City and Brooklyn will be evaluated as models for the development, challenges and opportunities of urban tourism.

ENG2000 Perspectives, F2013

ENG2000 Perspectives, F2013

As you can see from the College’s description of this course, Perspectives in Literature is “A study of human values in the literature of Western Culture. Readings are organized around the great themes of literature and life, family life, man, woman, and nature of evil, the individual and society, skepticism and faith.” This semester, we’ll explore these themes as they appear in various genres of American and British literature. We will encounter controversial social issues and questions that hounded authors for centuries; through novels, short stories, poetry, a play, and a graphic novel, we’ll examine how people have answered (or not) some of literature’s most persistent questions about science, power, art, love, war, peace, and existence. I expect you to participate in class to show that you understand the assigned readings and can analyze them on multiple levels. We will use the elements of fiction (plot, setting, point of view, characterization, theme, and style) to analyze assigned readings. We’ll also discuss various genres and engage in comparative analysis. You’ll be expected to use these skills in formal writing assignments and exams. Please refer to the Outcomes Assessment handout for a full explanation of these goals, since they are key to our class and to each of our assignments

Perspectives of Hospitality Management, HMGT 1101

Perspectives of Hospitality Management, HMGT 1101

Course Description An overview of the history, likely direction and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in the local, national and international economy. Examination of the nature and scope of this industry and basic management concepts. Introduction to department mission and interaction with alumni in career exploration. Course Objectives Upon completion of HMGT 1101 students will be able to a. Identify the scope of the hospitality and tourism industry b. Describe the characteristics of the Hospitality Industry on a local, national and international perspective c. Outline the duties of key executives and department heads in the hospitality industry and identify property management systems d. Explain the primary differences between hotel classifications e. List the classifications of food and beverage operations f. Describe key management functions

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