Ignacio Soltero’s Profile

Instructional Technology
My Courses
NUR 4130 HD63 Professional Nursing Practice Spring 2019
A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.
NUR4130 HD10 Professional Nursing Practice Fall 2017
A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.
CDMG 1150, D338, Office Applications,Bauer, Fall16
Orientation and Operating procedures as practiced in the graphic communication industry by managers on a computer operating system. Proper operating system and menu terminology and definition for working knowledge of desktop organization, necessary applications and equipment for production management and customer service.
TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management
This course deals with the technical management of a telecommunication network, personnel tasks, staffing patterns suitable to diverse telecommunications firms and users, with an overview of the issues facing the network manager. Included are studies of cost and trade-offs involved in the design and operation of a telecommunications network. Reliability, MTBF, RFP, and MTTR life cycle are analyzed. Traffic patterns and the study of equipment/manpower balance considerations are covered.
NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice SPand SU12
Professional Nursing Practice NUR4130 2747, 2748, 8547 SP12 and Summer 2012 A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.
My Projects
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The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.
My Clubs
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association is the representative body for students. We are responsible for recommending student activity fee allocations, shaping policies affecting student life, coordinating extracurricular events and chartering new organizations. Feel free to contact SGA President, Lucas Almonte, with any questions, suggestions or concerns. He can be reached at SGAPresident@CityTech.Cuny.Edu If you wish to start a club on campus contact SGA Vice President, Sylwester Dombroski, at SGAVP@CityTech.Cuny.Edu