Harry Shapiro’s Profile

Active 5 years, 11 months ago
1 to 12 (of 13)

Living Lab General Education Seminar

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Information Literacies into our […]

Personal Branding Through Podcasting

Harry Shapiro

Personal branding was once important only for some celebrities. Today personal branding is important for everyone including those who are still in school. A degree + a strong personal brand can drive your success.

Preventing Workplace Injuries in Hotel Housekeeping

In this project I’ll be looking at the problems and some common causes of workplace injuries and explores methods of prevention that can be used effectively by hotels.

Hospitality Research

Hospitality Research

Research a topic within the hospitality industry and come up with a problem and solution for it.

Diversity in the Culinary Industry

In the workplace environment discrimination, lack of respect,and the lack of gender diversity among employees can lead to an uncomfortable working atmosphere and poor productivity.

Technology replaces Hospitality

Technology replaces Hospitality

It contains what happen when technology replaces hospitality

A Music Themed Park: Is it possible?

Theme Parks are becoming one of the biggest businesses in the Hospitality Industry. So much so that companies are trying new techniques to bring in newer audiences. By taking the stories behind music genres and […]

Tresh’s Hospitality Research Blog

Tresh’s Hospitality Research Blog

This Project is about my aim to solve hotel sustainability issues. Mainly focusing on energy savings and water resources.

Hospitality Reserach

Improving The Jane Hotel

Hospitality Research

Hotel Mergers between Marriott and Starwood

HMGT 3502-E574 Research Seminar Blog Post

HMGT 3502-E574 Research Seminar Blog Post


Student Blogging Project

Helping students create blogs