Hilarie Ashton’s Profile

Non-City Tech
Active 6 years, 6 months ago
Hilarie Ashton
Display Name
Hilarie Ashton

My Courses

Hilarie Ashton hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum

WAC encourages courses throughout the college to incorporate formal and informal writing into the course practices and requirements. Avatar retrieved from Bridgeline Digital, Creative Commons License

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

The purpose of this project is to create a forum to ask questions, generate discussion, and share teaching materials, resources, and ideas about teaching and learning on the OpenLab. Avatar image: “The open door” by hehaden.

First Year Writing @ City Tech

First Year Writing @ City Tech

FYW@City Tech is a program and a digital forum for sharing curricular and pedagogical resources related to teaching and learning about writing at City Tech. The First Year Writing Program @ City Tech (FYW@City Tech) offers professional and curricular support for faculty teaching First Year Writing Courses (ENG1101 and ENG1121) at the college. As a repository of materials related to best practices in teaching writing, the FYW@City Tech Web site is a place where FYW instructors and faculty across the college can learn more about teaching writing and archive their unique disciplinary resources related to teaching writing at a college of technology.

My Clubs

Hilarie Ashton hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Hilarie's Friends

Hilarie hasn't created any friend connections yet.