Erica’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

Wine & Beverage Management, Spring ’14

Wine & Bev­er­age Man­age­ment, Spring ’14

Prof. Good­lad Leads stu­dents through an his­tor­i­cal in­tro­duc­tion to fer­mented bev­er­ages through­out the world. Study of bev­er­age mak­ing and tast­ing pro­ce­dures in­clud­ing jar­gon par­tic­u­lar to the bev­er­age trade.

Parks & Recreation Mgt – HMGT 4988 SP15

Parks & Recre­ation Mgt – HMGT 4988 SP15

Op­er­a­tion and man­age­ment of leisure seg­ment of tourism, such as parks, com­mer­cial and non-profit recre­ation fa­cil­i­ties and sports or­ga­ni­za­tions. His­tory, cur­rent trends and likely di­rec­tion of leisure are ex­plored. Man­age­ment of re­sources, vis­i­tors and ser­vices along with plan­ning and mar­ket­ing of spec­ta­tor and par­tic­i­pa­tory sports events and prod­uct are high­lighted.

Wines of the New World, Fall 2014

Wines of the New World, Fall 2014

This course pro­vides an in-depth eval­u­a­tion of “New World” viti­cul­ture and vini­fi­ca­tion. Wine mak­ing meth­ods, ser­vice, laws and reg­u­la­tions of the major wine re­gions of North Amer­ica, Aus­tralia, New Zealand, Chile, Ar­gentina and South Africa will be stud­ied. Stu­dents will taste and eval­u­ate wines. Sup­ported by a grant from the Julia Child Foun­da­tion, stu­dent will make wine at Red Hook Win­ery. Pre­req­ui­site: HMGT 2402

ENG2000-E218 Perpectives in Lit, F14

EN­G2000-E218 Per­pec­tives in Lit, F14

Iden­tity In­ter­sec­tions: Gen­der and Sex­u­al­ity in Lit­er­a­ture: This course pro­vides stu­dents with an in­tro­duc­tory un­der­stand­ing of iden­tity, fo­cus­ing specif­i­cally on the con­cepts of gen­der and sex­u­al­ity as they in­ter­sect with race, class, eth­nic­ity, and other as­pects of so­cial lo­ca­tion and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. The class will an­a­lyze the ap­pear­ance of gen­der and sex­u­al­ity as in­te­grated so­cial con­cepts by read­ing and dis­cussing con­tem­po­rary Amer­i­can lit­er­a­ture across mul­ti­ple gen­res and media, learn­ing rel­e­vant bi­o­graph­i­cal in­for­ma­tion about the au­thors, sit­u­at­ing the texts within their his­tor­i­cal and lit­er­ary con­text, and ex­plor­ing the major sym­bols and themes pre­sent in the work.

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