Matthew Jon Durnin’s Profile

Active 7 years, 4 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

ENT 2210 Advanced Scenery Construction Fall 2016

John McCullough
Entertainment T...|ENT2210|Fall 2016

This course aims to take a student from competency to proficiency in the scene shop. A successful student will be able to take a scenery project from the drawing to completion, either alone or leading a small […]

ENT3310 Monster Shop, FA2015

John McCullough
Entertainment T...|ENT 3310|Fall 2015

Special uses of plastics and metals in the fabrication of stage scenery and scenery elements. The major emphasis will be placed on the forming and shaping of various plastics, molds and casting, problems of safety […]

ENT4900/4901 Internship

ENT4900/4901 Internship

Miguel Valderrama
Entertainment T...|ENT4900-1

For ENT Majors: work experience at a professional scenery fabrication shop, rental/supply house, off- Broadway theater, or any related industry organization approved by the adviser. For Emerging Media Tech Majors, […]

ENT 4499 Culmination Project Spring 2016

John McCullough
Entertainment T...|ENT 4499|Spring 2016

This course serves as the senior thesis project. The student will utilize his/her skills in a new and innovative way to develop a project that relates to or has an impact on the entertainment industry. Projects […]