Christopher Swift’s Profile

Active 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 to 12 (of 25)
Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Javanese Shadow Puppets Spring 2024

Christopher Swift

Repository for planning and information for Wayang Emerging Scholars Project, 2024

Legislative Committee, College Council

Legislative Committee, College Council

The Legislative Committee of College Council needs a virtual space to share its work. We will eventually add a public site for the limited content that we want the college community to access.

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee

Reneta D. Lansiquot-Panagiotakis, Monica Berger

Upcoming Fall 2024 meetings September 12 (Thursday) Monday, October 7 (Monday) October 17 (Thursday) October 18 (Friday) Common Ground: Making Connections in Interdisciplinary Place-Based Learning November 21 […]

NYCCT College Council

The Project Site for the New YorK City College of Technology College Council.

Legislative Committee Elections

Holly Carley

Election information will be posted here

School of Arts & Sciences News

This is the site maintained by the School of Arts & Sciences Grants and Research Committee.

A Living Laboratory

Welcome! “A Living Laboratory: Revitalizing General Education for a 21st Century College of Technology” is a major grant-funded project centered on the idea of using City Tech and its location as a “living lab.” […]

Living Lab Fellows

Living Lab Fellows

This project archive compiles the experiences of the Living Lab General Education Seminar Fellows over the 5 year period of the grant. It includes the reflections of participants and compilations of course […]

NEH Making Connections

This is the project for a new NEH program at City Tech, ”Making Connections: Engaging the Humanities at a College of Technology.” This fellowship opportunity will bring together faculty from across the campus to […]

City Tech Academic Integrity Committee

Welcome to the City Tech’s Academic Integrity Committee site! Here you will find the policies, information, and helpful resources.

Richard III

Repository for planning and information for the proposed College Theme of Richard III.