Clemson Brown’s Profile
ARTH1103 Intro Art History F2019
An introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered. Additional description for this section: This course is designed to get you thinking […]
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COMD3513 Narrative Illustration, SP2022
This course teaches students to create finished, professional-quality sequential illustrations combining words and pictures based on topical themes, autobiographical stories, and self-guided narratives. Topics and […]
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In this course students will learn how to embark on the branding process for an invented company or institution from start to finish, culminating in a finished set of brand guidelines and extension project. Each […]
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COMD4900 OL90 1444 Internship Summer 2022
Internship in Communication Design (Summer Intensive) Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately 25 plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department […]
Working independently, each student researches, conceptualizes and develops an in-depth project, across media channels, which uses design-thinking to address a contemporary issue.
COMD3313, Illustration 1, OL74, FA21
This course is a practical introduction to the field of illustration. Focus will be placed on process work and professional practices, presented within contemporary and historical context. Course includes projects […]
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COMD3504 Communication Design Theory, OL02, Fall 2021
This course will offer an in-depth introduction to communication design theory, examining theoretical perspectives of design practice within the larger discourse of design and visual culture. Communication models, […]
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COMD1112 OL09 Digital Media Foundations Goetz
This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member […]
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This beginning photography course explores the foundational concepts of light and exposure. Using dSLR cameras, professional lighting equipment and software, the student develops compositional skills and the […]
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