Chiu’s Profile

Active 5 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management

My Courses

ENG2002 Intro. to Lit: Drama, Spr2019

ENG2002 Intro. to Lit: Drama, Spr2019

A course exploring the art and elements of drama Drama avatar credit: “”Ach Leiber! Raccoons!” by Sean McCann

HMGT4992 Nutrition for Food Service Professionals, SP2019

HMGT4992 Nutrition for Food Service Professionals, SP2019

Relationship of food to health from the perspective of the culinary professional. Discussion of the basic elements of nutrition as it relates to menu development, role of restaurants, and diverse cultural perspectives on American gastronomy.

HMGT1101PerspectivesD405, FA2014

HMGT1101PerspectivesD405, FA2014

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the departmentā€™s mission and culture.



Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room laboratory. Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on responsibilities of planning, producing and evaluating service. Practice of proper safety and sanitation methods. Critique of restaurant service.

My Projects

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