Anderson Uribe’s Profile

Active 4 years, 1 months ago
Anderson Uribe
Display Name
Anderson Uribe
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

Films from Literature ENG 2400

Films from Literature ENG 2400

This is a course comparing motion pictures to their literary source stories. OL Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will examine the relationship between film and literature, with a specific focus on the techniques used in fiction, drama, and film and the influences of censorship and society. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films.

ENG 2400 Film from Literature Spring 2016

ENG 2400 Film from Literature Spring 2016 D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will examine the relationship between film and literature, with specific focus on the techniques used in fiction, drama and film and the influences of censorship and society. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films.

LIB1201, D930 MON S15

LIB1201, D930 MON S15

This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will explore information issues, especially in terms of their relevance today: how information is produced and organized in both traditional and emerging media, how information access is affected by political, economic and cultural factors, and the ethics of information use. Students will also acquire the practical skills of locating information sources in a variety of media and formats, critical evaluation of sources, and documentation and citation of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will apply what they learn to create and present research and documentation projects.

LIB 1201: Research and Documentation for the Information Age

LIB 1201: Research and Documentation for the Information Age

This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will examine the full life cycle of information, including: how information is produced and organized in both traditional and emerging media, locating information sources in a variety of media and formats, critical evaluation of sources, the ethics of information use, and documentation and citation of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will create and present research and documentation projects. Avatar source: Smiciklas, Mark. (2012, July 9). Social Media Information Overload. Intersection Consuting. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial2.0 Generic license.

My Projects

Online Documentation Project: Teaching Citation Structure

Online Documentation Project: Teaching Citation Structure

Detailing a game that will teach students how to cite in MLA format. The game will have a social component that will serve as a classroom activity and an offline component for students to practice outside of the classroom.

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